Can we really make money by forex trading course/webinar/seminar?

True … well said (apart from the cat language lol :smile:)

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according to me, webinar and seminars are just for learning and to gain a little knowledge of what new your fellow traders are upto. making profits off the trades is totally upto you, how you use your knowledge and strategies.

From a single webinar, absolutely not. As a newbie there are a lot of things you have to learn and familiarize yourself with. If someone teaches you a concept, you have to practice it a lot to internalize it. Of course, there are lots of concepts, so you can’t get rich quick.
A good course with a real teacher, could cut down your learning time significantly. The problem is finding a good course. The good stuff is buried under the scams. Most programs advertised are fluff that only teach some basics and offer numerous upsells to gain more insight. Who knows better than a scammer that people love to hear that they can get rich quick, that’s why they advertise their programs.
I do wish that there was a program I could have gone to when I started out. Back then there were only advertisements for “bots who made money 99.99% of the time that you can set and forget and laugh all the way to the bank!”

Can we really make money by forex trading course/webinar/seminar?..

Yes or No! Simply depends on yourself. I think no need to do any Forex trading course instead of any course its better to get basic knowledge from any source specially GOOGLE. Because all institutes who offer Forex trading courses just tell about basic concepts which any one can know from search engine now a day. But Webinar and seminar will be helpful :grinning:

Off shore key course

Personally I think your just paying to get hyped up about trading… Not one paid course I joined did I truly get something out of. I joined one myself honestly for $600 which absolutely sucked, his videos were boring, he ranted about nothing useful, and overall he did not deliver. Then I joined another trading community for $250, and that trading community was the absolute best I ever joined. However, there are 3 main traders that host the market scans and video workshops… One of them is an absolute bore to me and I keept stay awake following him. So I think getting use out of it really depends upon a couple things:

  1. Is the person giving the seminar entertaining
  2. is the guy giving the seminar simply a marketer or does he know what he’s talking about.

The first one you can find out hopefully from some other videos before you sign up, honestly the 2nd one you won’t figure out until you actually join his webinar or course unfortunately…

Good Luck

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Yea, the course I joined was only $250 also, now it’s $300, and that’s helped me out tremendously, and still is :muscle:t5:

There are different levels of training and training. There are simple, introductory they can be free. I’ve been in webinars. But I paid for the participation.

I like seminar