Canadian Brokers for Canadians?!?

Ok so I am finally ready to open a live forex trading account however there is so much crap over the internet about Brokers.

It seems everytime I hear a good review about one broker a friend of mine will tell me they’re scam, or I will read more scam reviews. It seems especially more difficult finding a canadian broker!

Even worse is the outdated discussions I find regarding brokers, this is so frustrating! [B]whats the point of learning forex if you cant even find a trusted broker to begin trading with? INSANE![/B]

can anyone provide some CURRENT broker options for Canadians? like as of 2014 for beginners!?!

[U]the only 2 that seem to be somewhat trustworthy or viable are:[/U]

[B]1)[B]Dukoscopy - [/B][/B]only broker for Canadians I haven’t heard negative reviews for

[B]2) [B]Pepperstone -[/B] [/B] I have a buddy who personally uses this platform, however despite what he says alot of bad reviews online.

can someone please help? would be greatly appreciated to see an up to date reliable source for beginner canadian traders!

Dukascopy is great! I have used them for many months now. Fxcm is another that will accept Canadians and one that I have used and had no problems with. Can’t tell you how happy I am with Dukascopy though.

Dukascopy is great! I have used them for many months now. Fxcm is another that will accept Canadians and one that I have used and had no problems with. Can’t tell you how happy I am with Dukascopy though.

good to hear! 2 options then atleast i’ll look into… do you know minimum deposit for both?

[QUOTE=“nivisi6;627005”]Ok so I am finally ready to open a live forex trading account however there is so much crap over the internet about Brokers. It seems everytime I hear a good review about one broker a friend of mine will tell me they’re scam, or I will read more scam reviews. It seems especially more difficult finding a canadian broker! Even worse is the outdated discussions I find regarding brokers, this is so frustrating! whats the point of learning forex if you cant even find a trusted broker to begin trading with? INSANE! can anyone provide some CURRENT broker options for Canadians? like as of 2014 for beginners!?! the only 2 that seem to be somewhat trustworthy or viable are: 1)Dukoscopy - only broker for Canadians I haven’t heard negative reviews for 2) Pepperstone - I have a buddy who personally uses this platform, however despite what he says alot of bad reviews online. can someone please help? would be greatly appreciated to see an up to date reliable source for beginner canadian traders![/QUOTE]

XM market is very good I live in Canada and have been with then for almost 2 years

What ever you do don’t go to FXCM not a good company there very popular but not good @ all I also have a had a account with them for the same time & few problems closing trades but
Very Rarely up until yesterday I have noticed they have been manipulating prices and been quoting false prices @ least with xauusd pair

Questtrade is a good Canadian company as wel

[B]found this honest review for Dukoscopy…[/B]

A third party mt4 is available but very expensive and will cost you your profits.End of the day, the commission cost plus the cost of the rented mt4 platform will see you in negative territory even if you have made profits for the day. Opening an account is tedious. In general they are a sound company but too much red tape.I would like to stay with them but right now there are far more competitive brokers out there,who offer more than they do. I also never get an answer to my emailed questions about my account even if I email my account manager directly, there is also a language problem as very few at the company can speak English fluently. So asking them a question, might never give you a proper answer. I’ve also asked my account manger to contact me on several occasions and left messages for him to contact me. Out of 10 or more times I’ve only gotten one call back, that was to inform me the 3rd party mt4 was ready for use. Warning: do not use this broker with a bridged Fairtrade mt4 option. The costs are extream. As far as I can see on my account, they charge me for the same open lots everyday.

Pros:Safe broker for your money

Cons: Too highly regulated, not flexible or accommodating.

[B]seeing how important MT4 is, in addition to regulatory expenses on profits…seems this Broker is less appealing[/B]

XM market is very good I live in Canada and have been with then for almost 2 years

[B]uhhh Really? because I found multiple reviews condemning this Broker as a MAJOR scam…[/B]

[B]1) [/B]This is a total SCAM broker, don’t fall for that trap! They ripped me off, they will rip you off too! All these good reviews about them are actually by trolls paid by them! Extremely unreliable broker, trade with them only if you want to lose your money! I wouldn’t put a single dime with them!


Cons: double scam

2)[/B] Great BROKER ! Experienced with this broker 10 years already. Great spread, great execution speed, GREAT LEVERAGE. Whopping 888 leverage. MY ASS . Filed an order before nfp releases today. As the picture shown, i filed my order at 15:29 not 15:30 when the server stop their asses or whatever it is that they call as ARBITRAGE trading. I did it on purpose to sell on the last minute as I do not want noises from the market to hit my stop loss. Leverage of 888 that i used, but is that the service that XM BROKER provided us with which we can use as a good weapon? If this really considered as fraudulent act as they said, why not disable the buy, sell order in the last minute of release eh ? here is the picture to prove. SO, in the conclusion, I am banned from dealing business with this broker, and my profit they are cancelling it out : )
here is the prove of the picture. Be the judge.

I just opened an account with XE markets and am totally disappointed…first it took awhile for the P/L to start reading after entering a trade even though the market was moving…figures on the chart differ completely from that on the open trade…i get spread but current price still differs…thats a scam as far as am concerned. Been trying to reach their support but the page it taking forever to load…Really disappointed

Pros:Easy opening, low minimum deposit and ease of deposit

Cons: bad execution, false prices
4)[/B] XM is not paying Profit
My name is rohit and my account no with xm is 2146307.
I made a deposit $300 via skrill from my friends account.
I trade using it and make $456 Profit.
When i tried to withdraw the funds the say they can’t accept third party deposit.
If they can’t accept any third party deposits why there is a skrill account email input button in their skrill deposit page??
When i am depositing from skrill there is no information or warning about my deposit.
When i tried to withdraw my profit they are saying there is no profit because of i made a third party deposit.
I am the one who deposit and make trade.
But because of i made a third party deposit how is the result of my trade became nothing??
When i chat with them sometimes they say you will get the funds with in 24 hours. Sometimes they say i will not get any funds.
I am curious to know that what happens to the profit i made.

Pros:Easy to trade

Cons: Not Giving Profit because of bad excuses

[B]WOW how much money am I saving people with this thread?[/B]

[QUOTE=“nivisi6;627039”] uhhh Really? because I found multiple reviews condemning this Broker as a MAJOR scam… WOW how much money am I saving people with this thread?[/QUOTE]

XM I a good broker they pay me on time all the people that have had issues getting paid is due to third party payment I can find a million good reviews if you want me to post , XM is one of the best forex company this year , they have great customer service , trust me iv done a lot of reaseach about this broker

[QUOTE=“nivisi6;627008”] good to hear! 2 options then atleast i’ll look into… do you know minimum deposit for both?[/QUOTE]

If you have a good broker already what was the point of making this thread , ?

If you have a good broker already what was the point of making this thread?

uhhh I don’t have a Broker which was the point of making the thread, I merely pointed out that from my research Dukoscopy and Pepperstone appear to be potential options, then I posted the above unfavorable information about Dukoscopy that you obviously didn’t read

I also found the following concerning information about Pepperstone…

Pepperstone is a Whitelabel of Axitrader’s Integral price feed. They don’t have a server of their own they use the Axitrader server. You can do the test yourself. Just do a trace route on their servers: ;and

you will note the go back to the following - ;and

You will note that after doing a who’is search the technical contact for the domain “” is none other than:

Technical Contact:
Scott Edwards ***
206/220 Pacific Hwy
Crows Nest, NSW 2065

The reality is that Pepperstone is just a start-up company that does not even have their own Australian Financial Services Licence, they rent ONE !..

Axitrader on the other hand are a well established comapany that has been around since 2007.

Would you ever trade with a company that was started up in 2011 by an internet marketer and an ex-forex market maker from go-markets who rent an Australian Financial Service Licence?

Well it seems like some people are willing to take the risk… good luck to them I say…

FXCM’s popularity is due in no small part to our commitment to respond to client feedback and address concerns. No one wants to know more than I do what has caused you to change your mind about us so quickly after praising us only a month ago.

As I mentioned to you in another thread, I’m happy to investigate your questions regarding gold prices, so please respond in that thread with any details you can provide to help me look into this matter further.

As Bigdiddy mentioned, Canadians can trade with FXCM through Friedberg Direct ( Since they are regulated by the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada, the funds of our Canadian clients are protected for up to $1 million each by the Canadian Investor Protection Fund.

Trader #1 stated nothing about their situation. Claims all the positive reviews are trolls? Yet fails to state how it was XE/XM’s fault they got ripped off? That is suspicious.

Trader #2 was likely a news trader during high impact news release. Foolish move. Should have filled the order 1-2 minutes before that. The price feed basically works as this.

Bank -> Broker -> Retail trader

The retail trader is always at the tail end of the information chain. Trading news like that is akin to standing in front of a runaway train. You can win big if you luck out and plan accordingly beforehand with prudent Take Profits and Stop Losses. But it’s incredibly risky. Then has the nerve to blame the broker for not protecting them. The broker is not the trader’s mommy, the broker facilitates the transaction between the bank and the retail trader, while lending capital to the trader, in exchange for some profit from the spread/commission. You can’t demand that they protect you from bad trading conditions. They want to make money. If you click “trade”, then they make money. Fools are quickly parted from their money.

Trader #3, probably in the same boat as #2. News was likely whipping hard, and tried to manually trade on it. I always compare charts between brokerages before opening an account with one. XM’s charts didn’t differ from BCFX, nor FXCM greatly. There was roughly a 1.2 pip differential between the 3 of them on a 15 minute candle, but it was on the GBP/JPY. So a 1.2 pip on that is like a .5 pip on the EUR/USD. Not a big deal at all.

Again, people forget the Chain of Command or CoC of forex. If you want to manually open a trade, that info gets passed on to your broker, then gets passed on to the bank. If price is moving quickly, odds are you’re going to open your trade at a position worse than you had hoped for. You’re trading with the bank, not the broker. If the bank’s price has already moved, then your entry has subsequently moved.

Trader #4, XM, and virtually every other broker states that the deposit and the withdraw locations must come from the same person. Otherwise people could phish account info from various sources, and steal those funds, and trade them for their own profit. That is a legit, and safe practice. I mean, why wouldn’t that trader simply have his/her friend transfer it to them, and then they deposit from their account, and withdraw back to that same account? That information is right in the FAQ section. It’s not a bad excuse. It’s a fair, and legitimate reason. Every established, respected brokerage has the same practice. The trader failed to read the rules before making a foolish mistake. Can’t blame the broker on that one. has been on my radar for a bit. I was very skeptical about them having a bonus structure, and the claim of no commissions on their standard account. Once I saw the spreads, they gave me some faith. Their spreads are higher than my current broker. My current broker also charges commissions. If there is no commission, there is an increase in the spread, so a legitimate broker can make money. XM’s spreads are higher, because they need to make money. They also don’t have an upfront charge for wire transfers, and (my personal favourite), they offer a debit/credit card. I’m trading from Canada, so me avoiding wire transfers, and the associated fees with having that money transferred ($20USD to the Bank of China every transfer…) is awesome. They also do have a bonus structure, which basically rewards long-term traders with some bonus bucks, giving them extra equity for trades, or pocket change in real dollars.

When you size up the spread from a low-spread broker, and the minimal services that they offer, against the higher spreads from XM (average 4.0 GBP/JPY from XM vs. 2.1 from discount brokerage) the cost is fair, considering the bonuses, transfer discounts, and the fact they take their commission directly from the spread. You can sign up for the Zero account that has much lower spreads, but they charge a commission on that account.

IMO, the biggest reason we have such a horrid FX climate in Canada, is because traders just jump on the bandwagons, instead of doing their own homework. They lose, now we have horrible leverage rates, because the losers complain, all the freaking time. Some provinces are just flat-out refused. XM wouldn’t flat-out refuse B.C. and Quebec residents if they were a scam.

Should also mention they offer VPS services too. Once you have a minimum of $5k USD in your account, you can get the VPS for free, which is great for people using EAs.

No, I’m not an XM shill. I’ve just done my homework, and their offerings seem to be on par with what they charge.

If you’re looking into going with a Canadian broker, be careful of Pandorx Ventures, previously known as CMS Ventures. Ontario Securities Services put it on its warning list because they’re not registered there, nor does the company mention any kind of licensing in any market.

I agree. Some of their awards are highly suspect. Now basically, only Oanda and FXCM are regulated in Canada. But again, that’s because of the insane trading climate we have to deal with here.

The pendulum needs to swing back hard, so foreign brokerages can be registered here. Forex is still the wild west. But there are legitimate brokers out there that won’t sign up for Canadian regulation, since it’s overall the worst in the world.

Hi 4xNewGuy,

I’ve always admired how Canadian regulations provide you with segregated funds and account insurance of up to $1 million through the Canadian Investor Protection Fund.

I live in the US where neither of those benefits are available to forex traders.

In the 11 years I have been in the industry, there have been many improvements in the services available to traders. Is there something in particular you feel is still lacking?

Pepperstone no longer accept Canadians. FXCM is not an option for most traders living in Alberta because Friedberg Direct requires you to follow the local legislation (idiotic) which requires a minimum of $5 million dollars in capital, not including real estate, in order to trade Forex. Abysmal!