Cancia Melembe hi

Hi everyone,my name is Cancia Melembe.I am new here,kindly show me some love and give warm welcome.

I’M really describe myself as a person with a versatile skill set, willing to take extra miles to learn and explore new things in life.

Compared with any other financial market the forex has the largest market value of daily trading.It is a legal market which enhance young and old people to grow financing stable and also helps in the growth of how to save money and how to make extra cash.

*To be one of the successful trades.
*Improve in my life for better future motivation.
*Putting my environment a priority
*Family will always matter
*My simplicity will hold value

My ultimate goal is to be happy and advocate positivity however I can.I know there will be challenges along the way,but these are necessary issues we come across in everyday life.God realisation and Self realisation.To become an inspiration to others, master a difficult skill,travel to my dream country and double my personal income.

Thank you

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Put ideas of income way to one side for now. Your only focus when it comes to trading is study. Head to the learn forex tab at the top and dive in. Set good habits early on, be disciplined and ignore social media hype.


i would echo the above. Learn how not to lose money,and practice on a demo account first.

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