Can't refresh chart data in Metatrader 5

Hi there I hope this is the right place to ask:

I just downloaded MT5 (from metaquotes) and created a demo account there.

For some reason the chart data is stuck at yesterday 9:53pm.

It does not refresh automatically or manually.

Thanks for any advice

PS: When I try to place a trade I get the “the market is closed” error, if that helps.

The market is closed.

I was under the impression that the ForEx market ‘never closes’? What happened?

I’m still learning :slight_smile:

Edit: I’m looking at the EURUSD chart.

The market’s closed until Tokyo opens up so if you’re in US, that would be sometime Sunday afternoon/evening - hope that clears it up?

Thanks, didn’t know that :slight_smile:
(I’m EU.)

You’re welcome and sorry for the late response, been out of state. And since you’re in EU, Tokyo should be open by morning. Please post any additional queries you may have and good luck!