Captain Jack Predicted The Market Years Ago?

Hey there.
I not really kinda supporter of market been manipulated, market maker stuff.
And got chance to went through Steve Mauro stuff of BTMM, got too excited and scammed in my view, lol.
Now kinda read price, price behaviours exactly, Chris Lori. Last year is my 1st profitable year, hope doing so this year.

What interesting is just came across someone called Captain Jack, CJ.
Now, I’m curios. I went through his stuff at FF, SHF.
He actually did predicted the market 7 years ago. Check out FF, post number #1,201.

I’m not looking for any typical advice on, just looking forward on any honest reviews out of his stuff. Like ex students, etc.

I don’t have any affiliate whatsoever, thus please don’t flag this post,
just looking for any kind of unbias reviews. Positive nor negative, do let me know.

Post archived in HD, if you guys want to read and download the file:

The more I read, the interesting it become

If Captain jack has a trusted source? or he is superhuman?

Who is CJ? No idea on this person. Add more info about him.

Here what’s I got, lol:

Real Name: -CJ-
Trading From: WV, United States (map)
Age: 62 years old
Occupation: Retired
Trading Involvement: Full-Time Trader
Trading Philosophy: The past is the future.
Other Markets Traded: Equities
Other Instruments: Options
Favorite Trading Quote: “A man is not defeated when he is beaten, he is defeated when he quits”

I read something like 30 years of trade experience.

Here one example of the prediction, done back in 2012:

Here what’s look like recently:

Looks like it involved some sort of what they called as market mapping and 3 levels of pushes. I did have a quick looks in general of the free reading, quite interesting, but need to take a deeper look, which really takes time.

One need to go through 1500 thread’s pages, wtf. That’s is 10,000’s of pages of PDF’s version. I mean that for the free version. I will try if it worth in improving trading skills.

Here’s a link from a Google search for Captain Jack Forex on one of the forex forum sites…


There are no dates on that ‘forecast’ so it’s (mostly) useless. Any forecast that calls for the Euro to fall relative to the USD is a lock because the European union is less stable than the USA, or it was before Trump.

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It not just the bear, bull, buy and sell. Everyone can have their 50-50 shot on right or wrong. What you failed to look is the waves, the market structure. Enough explaining, looks like no review, need to work my own ass through the materials. Lol, goodluck

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Cool; thanks for your long-detail answer mate! Sorry for late reply.