Categorise Your Post Within A Thread

I was just looking through a thread in which someone was complaining about the fact that with all the rubbish in the forum, it’s hard to find the nuggets of gold that are hidden within. Now before I continue, I by no means think that the site etc is rubbish, but I can relate to this post.

Some of the popular threads on here are absolutely massive & reading 50+ pages (especially if some of the posts are long) is quite time consuming. My suggestion would be a category option that you select while or after writing your post. For example, you write it, post it but before it gets applied to the thread, you get given various options to categorise it under, such as “social”, “educational”, “trade discussion”, “generic answer” etc. and then a filter could be applied to it.

I’m just thinking of the numerous threads that I’ve read through that are jam packed with standard banter between folk that you need to read just to make sure that you’ve not missed anything important within the thread. Yeah there’s a social element to the forum but there’s also the learning side of it & being able to find the useful information faster (ie. by applying the filter settings) would be handy. As they say, time is mon£y.

[QUOTE=“baz1982;484773”]I was just looking through a thread in which someone was complaining about the fact that with all the rubbish in the forum, it’s hard to find the nuggets of gold that are hidden within. Now before I continue, I by no means think that the site etc is rubbish, but I can relate to this post.

Some of the popular threads on here are absolutely massive & reading 50+ pages (especially if some of the posts are long) is quite time consuming. My suggestion would be a category option that you select while or after writing your post. For example, you write it, post it but before it gets applied to the thread, you get given various options to categorise it under, such as “social”, “educational”, “trade discussion”, “generic answer” etc. and then a filter could be applied to it.

I’m just thinking of the numerous threads that I’ve read through that are jam packed with standard banter between folk that you need to read just to make sure that you’ve not missed anything important within the thread. Yeah there’s a social element to the forum but there’s also the learning side of it & being able to find the useful information faster (ie. by applying the filter settings) would be handy. As they say, time is mon£y.[/QUOTE]

You have a good idea here…

Also, I think if the moderators gave the thread creator the ability to edit and rearrange content within the thread, we would see a lot more concise easily readable threads as well…

You know the thread I’m talking about, that “ray of sun-shine” does have a point to an extent.

I totally agree that the thread creator should be able to rearrange the posts etc as when I first delved in to the free systems, the amount of threads I gave up on just because I got sick of reading through utter drivel is unbelievable. I didn’t want to miss any possible setting changes etc so I read everything & if the creator could highlight the important stuff, it would save me wasting my time (I have Facebook, 9gag & an Xbox for that).

Everyone raves about the price action threads but as they are so long, I don’t have the patience to read through it all from the start & I’d miss something important if I jumped in at a later point. I’d love to be able to filter it & condense it all to a more manageable size; instead I just disregard it (which is a shame as BP is a great site) & I just YouTube price action videos.

Hey Baz1982,

I like your idea…I think it will help us tremendously to find what we are looking for. Though, we have this sub-forums/categories already in place but if we can still have an option within the thread of that information will be helpful.

In the meantime, since you mention about price action(PA) thread, why don’t you asked the OP directly of that thread and see if he/she can give you the strategy using PA? Maybe he/she can direct you which page of that thread that you can focus on. This way it can probably save you some time… just an idea.

Maybe some self moderation would be good. That way we could just delete the troll posts and stop them from posting. I agree that some really good threads get lost in all the noise the on BP.

I thought an OP have the right to place an “Ignore List” or ban the specific person on that thread? And maybe just delete the unwanted posts just like what mods is been doing to clean up a thread…

Yeah you can ignore, but its a pretty broad feature. I don’t think you can ban someone from a specific thread only ignore them entirely but I might be wrong. The ability to own and manage a thread would be better in my opinion but it could lead to some issues. Maybe we could choose upfront the type of thread it would be…

Managing a thread and to keep it on topic is already a lot of work let alone managing the entire forum. I just hope these trolls get tired and go away… it’s sooo annoying…

An OP can restrict you from posting on his thread.

Thanks for the feedback. We’ll look into the availability of such a feature. However, you would be 1) relying on the member to apply the “filter” in the first place and 2) relying on the member to apply the correct filter. Posts often take on multiple personalities, often being a mix of social, educational and discussion all in one. Plus, the idea that a certain filter SHOULD apply to a given post is completely subjective. But I understand your intention. Perhaps a member vote (on which category a post belongs to) could do as good a job as a “filter” selected by the author? This would give all members a chance to vote, where majority wins.

We’ll see what’s out there. Thanks again!
