Centers playing 3rd level Pivot

Hello forum,
This thread is meant to ask and analyze that how many of you traders would be interested in the following:-
We all know that the safest method of trading is to open a position strictly at 3rd level pivot points either resistance or support and strict exit at 1st level pivot. An example of the pivot cheat sheet can be found on the URL mentioned below.
The only problem is that it’s practically impossible for a trader to watch the currency 24 hrs. and wait for the 3rd level to develop. Similarly you have to also monitor the developments in other pairs , may be as many as 20 pairs all the time. It’s not humanly possible.
I want to ask that how many of you readers would be interested in the service if I could set up a call center with a complete team of traders on 3 shifts, who would monitor the markets for 3rd level developments, take a position in your account whenever it so happens, be it midnight, or midday,
and send you immediate email and sms whenever a trade is played.
If you were interested, what kind of fee would you be willing on pay on a nominal $1000 account?

[email protected]

Pivot cheat sheet


There’s no way in hell that I would ever let someone else trade my money.

If you truly want to set up such a service, you might want to tell everyone what qualifications you have, not ask them how much they would pay.

How long have you been trading a live Forex account?

What is your success rate?

Where are you located?

What protection is there for your clients’ money?

These are only a few of many questions that come to mind.

You’ve only “contributed” 4 posts since joining almost 7 months ago, so why would someone want to pay you for your advice? No offence, but you haven’t really proven that your advice is worth anything, have you?
