Chained trading possible?

Hi there :slight_smile:

With all of the forex brokers one has to always close an open position. I am curious if it is possible to continue trading other pairs? For instance:

  1. I enter long EURUSD (buying EUR for USD)
  2. I start loosing but instead of closing the position or hedging it,
  3. I enter short EURCHF or EURAUD (selling my EUR for CHF or AUD)
  4. I close the position opened under 3) ending up with CHF or AUD on my account

Is there a broker out there who offers such trades? If not, why? I realise that one has to have accounts in multiple currencies to do so, but this is hardly a problem.

Thanks in advance!

Being long EURUSD and then selling EURANYTHING is one form of hedging which contradicts your no hedging statement under #2. In the end what you are left with in your account no matter which type of trades you engage in depends on your account currency so if your account is GBP then you always end up with GBP. Buying EURUSD and selling EURCHF can’t be merged into USDCHF or anything else nor will you be left with just USD or CHF as you are trading pairs which means you are closing pairs.