Charting issue

Jason I see you all sent an update on your tradestation charts to get quicker data. Thats great but I am now missing 10 days worth of data on the AU (thats the only one I have noticed so far). Below is the screen shots

Shows the close of 05/03/2013

Now the next candle show almost the open on 05/13/2013

Probably just an issue with the update but seeing as how this is my main pair that I trade. Its kinda a low blow on my analysis.

I would also try the chat option but its still sunday so no one will be home. Instead of sending an email I figured I would send it to you as the last time I had an issue and brought it to you it was taken care of in a very timely manner.

Not sure if you seen this or not but I guess someone noticed a problem the issue has been corrected already.

What you have there is a ‘gap’.

The market doesn’t trade over the weekend, so if the open price on Monday morning doesn’t match the close price on Friday night you get this as a result.

It can even happen intraday if there is a fast movement and you are looking at a short time frame.

No that is not a weekend gap. If you look at the dates on the candles I highlighted at the close then the open there is a 10 day difference. Thats a lot longer than a weekend.

It is fixed now anyway so all is back to normal

Hi Bob,

Just saw your post today, but I’m glad to hear this chart issue has already been fixed. You’re probably right: it may have been a temporary issue related to our weekend update of the Trading Station platform that was addressed when the data reloaded.
