When you look at the chart for any currency pair you can see that it moves basicly every second and the reason for that movement is because of the supply and demand.But how does a computer based chart calculate the supply and demand for a currency at a given time?Or in on the other hand,how can i calculate the supply and demand for a currency at a given time.
Also if i buy eur and sell the dollar online am i increasing the demand for the eur or does that only happen if i do that with real money at a bank…?
Also if i buy eur and sell the dollar online am i increasing the demand for the eur or does that only happen if i do that with real money at a bank…?
Depends upon how much you are trading & where, you need to trade at
a broker, market maker or ECN, but it takes a lot of small trades to move
the market.
Since there is no central exchange a retail trader cannot know volume or supply and demand. At best he might get some numbers of his broker’s trading but otherwise stochs are probably the best gauge. d.