
I’m so bored at the moment so thought I’d post up a few of my trades…
Anyone else who wishes to join me please feel free to do the same! :smiley:

If not then I feel I may take my winnings and become a monk and live a life of solitude :rolleyes:

A couple more decent daily trades…

Since monks have to take a vow of poverty I’d be glad to help you out and take your winnings off your hands. :slight_smile:

600+ pips in 4 days? I think it’s time to change my car again :wink:
Audi A5 quattro or BMW M3? Common people help me out!:wink:

LOL, one day I’m planning to give everything away but not for a few years yet :rolleyes:

Feel free to post up a few charts Phil… Will be good to see what other people are trading!


Nice daily trades. One nearly failed and had me worried! Nearly pulled out but managed to sweat it through for a good trade :eek:

I’m waiting for this to break out of it’s triangle… It’s gonna take off like a rocket one way or the other. :slight_smile:

The kind of trade you wait months for… Not the most profitable, but one of the most sure trades you can find.

One chart shows a zoomed out version so you can see the bigger picture. The other is a zoomed in version which shows a pinbar and 365EMA.

One must note that the pinbar is poor looking, but once again the location was important enough for me to have confidence in this trade!

[QUOTE=phil838;116091]I’m waiting for this to break out of it’s triangle… It’s gonna take off like a rocket one way or the other. :slight_smile:

Yep I’m on that too… Just hanging back at the moment though. Noticed a nice weekly pin form on cable about 4 weeks back so I know a lot of people are likely to short this pair when it tops again. On the other hand I have a feeling theres some major bank manipulation going on here as the bull run on the GBP has been a bit stronger than one would expect.
Even so it’s been a decent sideways market over the past few weeks of which I got a couple of trades on…

I’ll post a chart…

By the way Phil how did you manage to post this chart so big? I’m new to this posting stuff so mine are uploaded a bit small at the mo!:confused:

Upload them to Imageshack or Photobucket, then use the “Insert Image” button instead of the attachment button to link to the pics on the hosting site. :slight_smile:

Some nice 4hr trades while market is consolidating sideways. Cummon the GBP!! Can you tell I’m a Londoner?? LOL:)

OK Lets give this a try… same chart, diff format.

Some serious cash involved on one of these trades… Used a trailing stop and price just kept falling! Also had some good trades on the 4hr on this pair. What a week!

OK. Last post for now then unless I can get anyone else to get involved :frowning:
At least I’m less bored now :wink:

Heres a nice one I’m still in. Taken half profit and moved stop to break even as it looks a bit uncertain. It’s still more likely to continue the trend but I’ve seen these types of trades turn more times than I can count. Not giving the market anything back on this one!

Happy Trading!

Ok couldn’t resist this one. Man i love this pair!!

This pair can be tricky. Occasionally you get a move like this thats too good to pass on. Made 320pips on two trades shown. Also lost 100pips on this market a few days later down to my own stupidity… Didn’t post that on the chart though:rolleyes:
Seriously though… LOSSES ARE RARE.