Chat GPT in trading community

hey dudes!
do you guys use chat GPT for your trades and strategies?
because I see people are using it widely.It seems to be gaining popularity in the trading community.

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I do not think that it would be really helpful
maybe it can help you learning strategies and candles and even introduce you sources for learning more than you know right now.
but I do not think it can help you with trades, setting stop losses and things like that since every question that you ask him he says "as an AI model i cant … "
But if you or anyone else know a reputable and useful AI it would be great if you can share it with us!


Hello dear Chen.
I think the Gpt thing is more for school projects or maybe programming things.
I tried to use it as a source and as far as I find, it has some general knowledge (which is actually helpful but not great and enough)
So I think my answer to your question is no!


I started using this as a resource to learn about analyses and you use that?
It is obviously a robot.
you left me in stiches when you said: “AS AN A.I MODEL…:” LOL :))
that’s something I’ve heard a billion times. :sweat_smile:


I understand exactly what you’re saying. It is clearly a robot because it is unable to bring up all of the specifics of trade while just saying to be an AI.

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Do you believe that robots can help you with this sense-based activity? Obviously not. You might be able to trust it only throughout your very first steps of learning.


You know maya I just heard that this AI is getting popular for everything and these days people are using this for their trades strategies. I myself didn’t use it properly.

Yup. This. But maybe if you integrate it with more sophisticated tools you can certainly do it. Or maybe someone will come up with a trading specific AI tool/platform!

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Hey there! While ChatGPT is a powerful language model that can assist with generating trading strategies and analyzing market trends, it’s important to remember that it’s just one tool in a trader’s toolbox. Ultimately, successful trading requires a combination of market knowledge, sound strategy, and risk management skills.

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EXACTLY. one of my friend is doing the same I don’t how he is good at trading and using some tolls together and the result is awesome.

i got you my friend and i know what you mean as i mentioned to another friend some are using it with other platforms to gain more profit, as a friend of mine did. but i din’t have much info about.