Chat Room?

Hey all, Good Morning. I was wondering if anyone actively uses the chat room here. Or more importantly when do you guys use it? I didn’t know if their were times when people were more or less active in there. Asking because I just want to sit back and watch what everyone says with no input of my own… :wink:
Truly I figure if I can chat back and forth and bounce ideas off, or listen to what everyone else says I might learn something. Thanks for your reply, Raven

They are busy chatting with the charts. You should try, these charts communicates well.

There’s a group of traders that get together during the Asia and European trading sessions. Ravel is there almost every night and he’s been a great help to many, many new traders. Check it out!

Just keep checking back, you’ll see people in there.

It is generally never a big crowd, but as mentioned the Asian session is generally filled with a good number of people ranging from beginners to experts.

I’m generally in there most evenings.

is there a big chat website for forex traders out there?

Madima_90 I don’t personally know of one. The chat room here tonight was pretty active and we had a good time in there. Everyone’s great so you should come in and check it out.