Chosing a broker in QC, Canada


I’m asking this here as I have a concern with the canadian provincial laws.

Having lived in BC for a while, I learned there that they have their own laws to regulate forex and that you need a “licensed broker” that operates in british columbia or else it might go wrong somewhere.

Please lighten me this subject as I have no clue where to look to find answers to this.

Hi AV8,

Welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

You’re right that regulations will vary by province which can complicate things. Residents of Quebec can trade on FXCM’s platform through Friedberg Direct:

That’s because Friedberg is a member of the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC) and the Canadian Investor Protection Fund (CIPF) which means trading accounts are insured for up to $1 million per client. Membership to both IIROC and CIPF allows Friedberg to accept clients from all provinces in Canada, with the exception of Alberta. The Alberta Securities Commission (ASC) only allows accredited investors to trade in the forex market. That means retail investors living in Alberta cannot trade forex :frowning:


Quebec isn’t BC…

BC is… in its own sorted misery.

It depends on the broker you choose people usually choose those close to them because if something happens they can round up a posse, get in their pick up and haul brass down to the HQ shootin up the place demanding their money.

So my first question would be where are you BC or QC?

Also I don’t believe you need to choose a certain broker which also means lets say you get an alpari account in the UK their regulated by the FSA and any concerns or crap that goes down is their dealings and under their regulation. If you take an islamic account for hedging then idk I don’t have much experience in that neck of trading. North America were regulated by the SEC/NFA and for Canada specifically its IIROC and CIPF, little note about CIPF it may insure your account if their a verified broker and IF there was fowl play on the broker say like Jon Corizine and MFGlobal, it will not cover your losses up to a million just to clarify (I’ve seen idiots think that CIPF will cover their $100,200,500,1000 loss via their own stupidity).

Canadian Investor Protection Fund - Home

Personally I have no idea what would be the result if you opened an account with a broker not BCSEC’d I would guess worse case scenario you trade your $100 in to the ground or you lose that $100 or you make $100 and withdraw $50 and they are dodgy with it. Which of course why you find someone that is regulated by someone.

You’d best be asking someone like Scotch how he gets around it or the lovely Sweetpip how she does it.