Climate change is a complete hoax

Ok bring out your evidence !

That’s a great video, Falstaff. Thanks for posting it.

I’m sharing the Youtube link to your video with some folks I think will benefit from it.

One person very dear to me (who happens to be a woman with two kids) considers herself to be a staunch environmentalist. She mistakenly thinks that all the climate-change propaganda she hears is simply environmentalism in its fullest expression.

I sent her this email –

Hey there,

You need to see this. It’s a video interview with Marc Morano, author of the book
The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change.

This one-hour video exposes the Worldwide Command-and-Control Agenda behind the climate-change myth.

If you are afraid to consider a point of view which may be different from your own current view — then, you need to ask yourself “why is that?”

But, if you are open to the possibility that you, and your children, may have been scammed by a conspiracy which is far larger than just “the environmental movement” — then, you may be able to avoid falling victim to this insidious conspiracy, and you may be able to spare your children much grief.

I hope you will watch this video. I hope it will open your eyes, and I hope it will open your mind.

[link to the video was inserted here]

I know I’m sounding very preachy, and I apologize for that. No doubt it’s obvious that I have strong feelings about this subject. I chose the word conspiracy carefully and deliberately, and I hope you will take it seriously.

Let me know what you think of the video.

Love you,

Thanks again, Falstaff, for this video – and for several others you have posted recently, notably the Patrick Moore video.

I agree completely with your position on the globalist climate-change hoax.


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Thank you @Clint, I hope it helps

And indeed I often wonder why we get ALL the factual evidence on the Sceptical side of this ‘discusiion’ and why the Thermageddonists simply chant and dance around the pole throwing stones at the rest of us.

Now we can look to Gustave LeBon, or Edward Bernays, to Freud, Berne et al for explanations - and indeed we can get a feeling of the “Why the Crowd acts as an unthinking mob” as shown in all those “Bubbles” and Scares throughout history when they have ALways been Wrong !

But here is a vid I came across the other day, which explains it in a far more convincing way !

The truth seems to be that they actually KNOW subconsciously that we are right - but they are so scared of being branded as “outcasts” - that they simply refuse to admit it !

Join the people who ask questions that are FORBIDDEN - learn to live instead of being a shell !

Once you have destroyed the minds of others - particularly children - there is no redemption.

You do know that a songs playlist tells a lot about a personality.

Now guess what i can conclude from the fact that you are watching videos called “why are you lonely…”

Reminds me of a post i once made where i offered you help to get you out of your lonelyness.

Staggering Hypocrisy of new green elites !

Bernie Sanders - MANIFESTO - for combatting Climate change ! - YAY ! :grinning::joy::joy:

This is the chart which pretty much started the whole gravy train for AL Gore and for iPCC.

It has long been the subject of accusations and was central in the Climategate e-mails when Phil Jones and others discussed removing the Medieval Warm Period. (which dutifully “disappeared” from the Al Gore and iPCC versions )

It is good to see the Courts introducing some sense into this whole HOAX situation !

Fewer fires than Average for this time of year - But hey who cares - Brazil’s President is NOT A “Lefty” - so he’s fair game !

Very Recent!

You gotta watch this ! coldest ever summer in Moscow and coldest August since records began 150 years ago - Canada bitter winter forecast ! - only 5 minutes - including OBama’s Bullch*t and his brand new - $14 million underwater mansion ! :wink:

4 ice ages were killed by severe global heating, no man made CO2 activity then. How could global warming exist without man made “pollution”?

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God held a lighter behind him and farted the ice age away.

how the hell is it possible that you dont know that? there are scientists showing evidence of this since 3000 years!

You’re completely correct of course.

I sincerely hope that you will stay and participate rather than being driven away from Babypips. :smile:

Patrick Moore’s treatise on the matter are particularly helpful.

I really don’t know why are we even debating this.

This landed in my email inbox today. – Good stuff. – Worth a read.

I copied-and-pasted this article from the email I received, so the link in the second half of this article doesn’t work. Here is a live link –

My apologies to Jim Rickards for shamelessly copying-and-pasting his stuff without permission.

In my defense, Jim, let me remind you that I’m a long-time subscriber to Strategic Intelligence, and I recently renewed my subscription for another 3 years. So, maybe you can cut me some slack on the copy-and-paste thing :grinning:

Thanks to Jim Rickards for linking to this short article –

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Adults are supposed to be telling their children that there are NO “Monsters under the bed” - NOT inventing ever more new horrors for them to be terrified by !

THese poor kids are being trained and taught to perform in unison - like Circus animals !

[EDIT - Except - it is ILLEGAL to “train animals” using fear and pain. - That is EXACTLY how YOUR children are being trained ! - WHere the hell are all these “Caring parents” and “Child Protection Servces” ? - I despise these “Parents” ? for allowing the Schools to indoctrinate their OWN children in this way !]



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