Climate change is a complete hoax


Watch out for the FALLING IGUANAS

Falling iguanas in Florida

I heard that chilled iguana meat is being sold as "Chicken of the Trees" :rofl:

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i dont think its a complete hoax as the climate does change.
But the idea that man is to blame for it to any significant degree is a hoax.

The great global warming swindle was a good documentary.

CO2 is a life giving gas, without it life could not exist, and CO2 is only a tiny part of the atmosphere. So its surprising they decided to blame CO2.

Its all about less money and freedom for us, and more control for them.


the real hoax or Con is the planned " Carbon Tax" if they do this Carbon will then become the new oil and those who control it will be worth billions and will produce the worlds first Trillionaire

Like I said before it is just a money grab

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The Earth - by Peterma.

Before the beginning of time there was no light
Then I caused the stars to be born and the heavens bright.

The earth was formed of the colours blue and green
Everything was complete and all was clean.

Now was the time for woman and man
Take care of what I have made as best as you can.

You built a pillar but I broke it down
You babbled a lot, I thought of a clown.

You have begun to build again with a tower of chatter
How it ends for you is of little matter.

Yet for Me there is much more at stake
My love is in everything that I make.

If you use and destroy, damage and waste
At the end of your time can I judge this to be chaste?

Much here to consider.

Line 1 - the earth’s climate has changed as has all known planets.

Line 2 - Has the notion that pumping smoke and gas into the atmosphere caused even a degree of change possible a hoax

Line 3 - the effect of warming on people most now affected being a ‘swindle’ is better answered by those very people, not us keyboard guys.

Line 4 - all constituents of the atmosphere are life giving - however they are held in balance to sustain life on earth - the Guy that made life up decided it so.

Line 5 - money is is same as online trading - vast majority don’t have it - they call them the poor - you will see them most rich cities.

Edit: No poor in a certain Swiss city this past week where the rent for one week on the prom for a pop up costs the equivalent of one year - now the place to go to meet money.

Good post :sunglasses:

You’re right about The climate always changing and Temperature is really quite LOW at the moment, so low in fact we are still IN the last Ice Age - Any Polar Ice at all is unusual in historical terms.

It is not diisputed that CO2 is capable of having a MINOR effect - but as Willaim Happer points out (He is an absolute expert on CO2) any effect it does have is logarithmic - so that a Doubling of CO2 can be demonstrated to raise the temperature by between 0.8 and 1.2 degrees so to raise the temperature by 1degree from where we are now the CO2 would have to go up to 800 ppm and for another 1degree it would need to rise to 1600ppm.

A much greater effect is from Water Vapour and clouds which the models do not even address in a meaningful way.

Another great expert is Willie Soon who tackles much of the misiformation we have been indoctrinated with plus loads of great science - well worth the watch !

I agree the Great global warming swindle is indeed a great documentary. I have linked to it - on another thread.

As you are new here I link to one of my threads by the superb Ecology PhD Dr Patrick Moore - whoooo demonstrates that CO2 has in history been up in the 4000 ppm range without detriment to ourselves or anything else. - I thoroughly recommend watching hs vid after reading my intro

You may be as amazed as I was about what has really happened to the CO2 in our atmosphere !

If you take a look through this present thread you will see good solid factual content from the protagonists of the “Hoax” proposal and nothing but hysteria and water muddying and attempts to derail the conversation and prevent discussion at all from the thermageddonists.

Similar in many ways to that happemning in the real world !

When they cannot win the discussion, they derail the discussion and destroy the life / livelihood of anyone who dares to speak the truth !


by Jim Rickards
reprinted from Jim Rickards’ Strategic Intelligence

I am a constant reader of speeches by the financial elites. These elites include well-known names such as Christine Lagarde, former head of the IMF and now head of the ECB, Mark Carney, former head of the Bank of Canada and now head of the Bank of England, and many others. About five years ago, I noticed that these elites never gave a speech without mentioning climate change. I thought this was curious because climate change was the realm of climatologists, geologists and physicists. I did not immediately see the connection to finance. But, soon it became obvious.

If climate change were going to be prevented, it would require financial penalties on energy companies such as ExxonMobil, Chevron, BP and others. It would require an end to coal mining and fracking. It would require support for electronic vehicles such as Tesla and support for the manufacturers of solar panels and windmills. All of this could be accomplished through capital markets as described in this ARTICLE. Major fund managers such as Larry Fink, who runs the $7 trillion BlackRock wealth management empire, would dump Exxon shares, cut off financing to coal miners and allocate capital to Tesla and others.

Behind it all is the not-so-hidden agenda of a global carbon tax and a new form of digital world money so that bad actors in the fossil fuel sector could not escape sanctions by moving to capital markets outside their home countries. A global currency means a global market with nowhere to run or hide.

Even more insidious is the fact that while climate change is a constant in geophysical space, there is no evidence that it is caused by C02 or that it can be prevented by reducing C02 emissions. The best evidence shows either that global warming is not happening or that a slight global warming is causing C02 emissions, not the other way around. If there is global warming (doubtful), it is more likely caused by sun cycles and volcanoes.

So, why are elites using bad science to propound bad economic proposals? The reason is that they are using climate alarmism to pursue their real goals of world money, world taxation and ultimately world government. Climate change knows no boundaries, so it’s the perfect Trojan Horse for the elites’ plan, which also does not recognize boundaries.

Investors have limited time to allocate portfolios to at least some hard assets that are non-digital and therefore harder for global elites to seize or tax. Time is short. Elites are coming for your money under the banner of “climate change.”


Received from a trader colleague in Austin TX 


You might be interested to hear what the real Australians have to say about those thermageddonists jumping on the back of the Bushfire season as evidence of “Climate Change


@Falstaff, when the smoke finally clears and they take a good look at how and why these fires happened, a few politicians heads will roll
 a lot of scurrying for excuses has already begun


The current fire around our capital city Canberra wasn’t started by weather, severe heat or climate change, an Army helicopter with a quartz halogen spotlight on the underside started a grass fire after landing in a windy paddock
 won’t see that reported worldwide
 cannot be blamed on climate change

If you stop on the side of the road, in a clearing or even drive into the bush to collect firewood (fallen dead wood) in some Australian states, you will be prosecuted and fined on the spot
 this was once a way to keep some areas clear of fuel build up
 the Greens wanted it stopped

This is what it looks like close up
 at this point it was 15km away
March 2019.


Bragging rights to the first person to post a news story blaming the Corona virus on Climate Change

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I knew it was carbon based hooking up with all that O2! At first I thought it was due to a bad batch of beer.

The breathtaking ignorance of most who call themselves “Green” never ceases to amaze me. As a boy I wanted to follow in the footsteps of people likr Peter Scott, Hans and Lottie Haas, Jaques Cousteau etc as a naturalist and was better informed by reading and watching what programmes were then available. - By the age of ten I was well aware that Australia has a natural evolutionary forest, much of which relies entirely on periodic fires in order to reproduce itself. Even the very forest itself conspires to promote fire by way of the Eucalypts !

Then we had a period of “direct action” by Fools releasing mink from cages in “Mink farms” allowing this un-natural creature loose in the Uk countryside to dramatically affect the balnce of nature in our countryside and virtuallly exterminate a lovely little creature called the Water Vole amongst other drastic effects.

Their short sighted lack of vision or ability to understand has distorted the balance of nature in our countyry such that my OH counted 16 Magpies in a single tree a week or two ago. The Magpie is a Corvid and it’s presence has a huge destructive effect on small birds by feasting on their eggs and young chicks at nesting time.

the Corvids had always been controlled by Shooting men in the past and thus the countryside diversity flourished as a by-product. We had a song as children “One for sorrow two for joy
etc” The song stopped at 7 because that was the size of a fledged large family of magpies and nobody ever saw more than 7 together. Yet she saw 16 in one tree and it’s winter !

Yet the "Greenies " blame “pesticides” and “Farmers” for teh dearth of wildlife. 
 To them (urban nbased Greenies with no knowledge ) It always has to be “Someone else to bame

As you say the “Greeniy pressure” is clearly responsible for the severity of this year’s bushfires - through their own ignorance of nature !

The footsoldiers of this movement are the same “Useful Idiots” who are driving this “Climate change” at the instigation of those cynical and obnoxious people with an agenda, a vested interest in destroying “western Capitalism” - those idiots are driven by pure emotion and a psychological need fto be “virtue signalling” without any heed to logic and the natural world.

(ok rant over - for now :wink:)


ARctic Sea ice has remained resiliant and is at slightly higher than normal leves this year yet again - the Blue line shows it and teh red line sjhows the average temperature - And All this despite the Thermageddonists insistance that the world will come to an end next week !

And teh various predictions detailed in teh video as to exactly when the North Pole will become Ice Free due to Global Baking !

[Edit - if anyone can think of a way of getting a decent sized Short against this derangement - please do share (You can pm me if you want to) ]

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TheThermageddonists and their masters from the Neo Marxist Anti-capitalist Left going wappy again !

Terrible Newscorp people seeking to inject Facts and Perspective into the situation then ?..”

What is it about this young girl which the Thermageddonists find so frightening ?

interesting discussion :ĐŸŃ‚ĐșрытыĐč Ń€ĐŸŃ‚:

You’ve got to listen to this one !

It shows what the real issue is ! :wink:

Dumb feminist “Professor” explains exactly why she should not be a “Professor” !

That “professor” is a perfect example of what a steady diet of leaves and twigs will do to your brain.

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EXTICTION REBELLION - An interview of their “Police Liaison Officer” Paul Stevens (ex ploice officer) by Nick Ferarri (5th Feb 2020) - No need to listen to the whole thing because we’ve heard the incessant chanting before (If you do want to just pull the slider to the left)

However Nick brings up a deeper intention at minute 8:30 and My link starts there. WHether this guy is a memebr of teh inner group or just one of Lenin’s “Useful idiots” - is not realy knowable at this stage - but I assume the latter.

His Postmodernist indoctrination is reveald by the way he speaks - particularly that the discussion Nick starts is not valid because “I’ve never met him
” - ergo it’s not a part of his “lived experience” and therefore does not need to ba accepted as a “Fact”

Remember the name “Deep Green” - even sounds ominous doesn’t it ?

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