Climate change is a complete hoax

The Earth is flat and I can prove it! The Earth’s surface is 70% water and that water is NOT carbonated! Therefor the Earth is flat.

Why is it a hoax? That’s true. Don’t you see that every year it’s getting hotter and hotter in the summer? I hate when it’s hot and hate summer. There were days in the history of the humanity when there weren’t any air conditioners and people somehow did without them. Now we can’t imagine our summer without these devices.

I still find it difficult to believe that some people are so indoctrinated by the new religion of Global Warming being down to CO2 that they spout this garbage without being able to point to ANY credible mechanism whereby anthropogenic CO2 is/ can influence global temperatures in the way their stupid “models” say they do !

We do now know a little more about the reality than we did when this thread started particuloarly in the works of Valentina Zharkova

But people like this poster will not even be aware that we are actually in an Ice AGe now and that throughout Earth History there has only n=been Any Ice at the poles for less than 10% of the time and the Average temperature of the Earth over Time is around 10 degrees Celcius (18 degrees F ) above what it is now !

And yes there are some sad individuals out there who do not have the luxury of “Air Conditioning” - whre are these people brought up that they think this is somehow surprising ?

Last 20 years of “Climate predictions” - checked out - how did they work out ?

"Canada's 2001 Climate Predictions Revisited - YouTube

Climate change is indeed a complex issue, and discussions around it often spark diverse opinions. While it’s understandable to question certain narratives, it’s essential to base our understanding on credible scientific evidence.


Did you fall for the covid scam?

When it comes to scientific evidence, not very many of us have the education to assess reliably what’s credible, so we tend to be very heavily influenced, whether we acknowledge it or not, by gut feelings about whom we dis/believe and mis/trust.

We were unlucky with covid.

24 adults in my pretty big family caught it, altogether. I’m talking worldwide and including cousins and their spouses in that figure.

Some were terribly ill, but all the 21 vaccinated ones survived, including some in their 70’s with various existing illnesses.

All 3 of the unvaccinated ones died, including one previously very fit and healthy person in his 50’s.

I wrongly thought figures like these were very atypical.

It turns out not. They’re actually surprisingly common. Surprising to me, anyway.

I don’t know about climate change, but covid definitely wasn’t a scam.

Unfortunately the Zealots are victims of what Jordan Peterson calls “Low resolution thinking” - they seem unable to comprehend anything more complex than “ORANGE MAN BAD…”

If you read anywhere in this thread you will find absolutely NO "Credible Science.." from the “CO2=Global Warming…” Proponents - Why not ? because there IS no credible science in the narraitve - All the science in these threads comes from those who are arguing against the conjecture (Which has now become a FACTOID ) - that essential plant food is in fact a lethal poison !

The timescales and records they speak of are deliberately chosen to exclude the whole truth and they have been found guilty of conspiring to hide the facts - Michael Mann (Hockey Stick man) has been found guilty of Contempt of Court because he refuses to show his original Data ! greenpeace have been found Guilty of dumping 500 gallons of diesel on the Great Barrier Reef to fake “Bleaching” etc etc etc.

W|e have now discovered that there is in fact a mechanism which DOES seem to explain the “GLOBAL WARMING” which seems to be happening right now and these 2 vids may be the most important you have ever watched - iffn’ you really want to know the truth; (Green witing is the link)



And the beauty of this is that her predictions are CHECKABLE - and her Maths is there for all to see - Unlike the smoke and mirrors “Climate models” which the peudo Science pretends to mean something ! :rofl:

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