Coach Zulutrade trading journal - Target 500 pips per month

you know what, I really dont mind if they dig me money, gambling or not.
not that anybody can easily gamble as it is shows exactly the entry/exit points - once I see that, I know there are serious calculation behind the position. Well, of course the market cannot be win ALL the time - however, in this case losing is not gambling of course.
feins, who are you following these days?

My Fren its not that im complaining about gambling as one thing if he gamble means there is no strategy at all just the bots that stimulate buy and sell according to its logic as they might do well this week but totally hail wire the next week which ive notice so far.

Its been a desaster and frankly that i might hit a margin call pretty soon. as one of the SP i follow grennie which blow near 1k pips last week whivh turn all its profit of 40usd into a lost -69usd its a disaster same goes to PTWM2015 which earn me a healhy 80usd and went upside down with a -1300pips when i woke up the next morning and now a -1500pips with a profit of 80usd become a lost of -156usd.

im now following for333 Alterinvestments and Forex777RU-M
PTWM2015 was removed but his open thread still on as its been a huge DD if i close it my account will be gone just like that.


You are on the right track changing the traders on a rotation basis, when they are loosing, is the right thing to do.
watch out for high DD and always zuluguard your account!

Thanks Eddy,

Just a little bit more actually im back on recovering but now im still at a huge lost in return. Im not sure is it last two week its been a bad turndown.
As for PTWM2015 open thread still had a -1700pips, if i close them i lost over 170USD the only way now is to wait it to swing back and hope it wont cause a margin call before that.


PTWM2015: told you to dump this trader long time ago. but you dont listen and got the high dd! hope you learn from your mistakes! his no good news! Big time.
anyhow, look at these guys - they seem to be doing pretty OK - grennie, S.Investment.Fx, fenix7, justletitflow.

Nice thread -

Wow 1700 dd is huge . That would stop me sleeping At night

Well grennie are also one of them i was following grennie and PTWN2015 and grenny 1st who hit my Zulu Guard with 1K DD and now she was hit with 3K DD and still left those thread open until now both of them Grennie and PTWM2015 are open the same thread EUR/JPY that’s where both nearly blow my account as both hit the Zulu Guard together.

Grennie still left those thread open since 13/Aug till now with 1.3K DD still.
I’ve removed S.Investment.FX last week as he just send a lost of over 50USD
feinx7 dont tread much now just like for333 only tread one or twice and closr with less that 1pips.
justletitflow i never follow him before so dont know how well is he.

Depend how much ur trading there.

doesnt matter how much your trading , that would take me 5 good months to make back

if i am trading 0.01 lots =$170 it still going to take 1700 pip trading 0.01 lots to make it back

you could say that you can incense it to 0.05 lots so you only need to make 340 pip back to make the same money
but that is crazy and stupid

you should only increase lots when your account increase , other wise your only increasing your risk…

so if you increase it to 0,05 and they have another day of draw down of 1700 pips , there goes your account ($850)

Right right!
1700 dd is huge for me also!

keep your points on the providers! however, keep in mind that you won’t know all the traders - sometimes they are simply just as good as it’s worth to follow them!

your calculations seems pretty much ok! Small risk exposure brings you steady returns! IMO and experience!

Well indeed correct no one wats a DD of -1700 that’s sometime forex also a game of gambling if i close it i lost everything now is that i hope of a rebound. Seems until now there is only left -700 pips more and hope that it regain back to a positive pips by this week.

I notice if that particular week one trader went bad and most trader will goes bad also so its like they are going for the similar strategy or they use the same trading bot to do trading.

I have a feeling trader follow other trader .

I see bad day every week . I just don’t trade then

You have to remember
1,000 follower = 0.5 pip ($0.05 cent ) $50 commission per trade . They trade for the commission not for the follower … They just want there account to look good so ppl dont leave

I normally make money on my personal account when trader are losing . I think they all don’t care about trends . Or market news

Are you saying you are following traders on reverse?

So far I’m not been charge any commission by using AAAfx as my broker but i don’t think they r been given that much of commission either don’t they ?

no , i meant i have my perosnal trade and set up , and have a zulu account with 10% of my balance ( and a few demo )

i try to check my zulu weekly or 2 time a week , and i find the week i make the most profits , my zulu account hasn’t

you dont pay commsion , they recived it from zulu trader , that why there is always slippage ,

ps aaafx and zulu are the same company


you dont pay commsion , they recived it from zulu trader , that why there is always slippage ,

ps aaafx and zulu are the same company[/QUOTE]

Yup I know Zulu and AAAFx r the same comp that’s y I use AAAFx with Zulu.
But if they get bad trade they won’t get their commission from Zulu so no point trade bad.

trader still get paid regardless if the trade make or lose a profit