Coding script on MT4

Can anyone help me get code for a script that does the following on MT4:

The script should look back x number of bars and list the number of bars that are less than the range y.
I don’t know much about coding so I cant do this but help from anyone who can will be appreciated.


Not much to go on there…

What does it do after is sees a positive for the range? A signal? And arrow? Bomb Syria?

Doesn’t sound that complicated. There are probably already many versions of a range counter out there. Might try a search.

Ha! Good one.

You’ll note in post I said it should [U]list[/U] the number of bars that matched the criteria. I suppose an alert would have done pretty much the same job. Anyway, thanks for nothing, but after looking into coding at the mql forum site I’ve programmed my own satisfactory version of the script.