COFFEE ( $KC_F ) Found Sellers After Elliott Wave Flat Pattern

Hello fellow traders. In this technical blog we’re going to take a look at the Elliott Wave charts of COFFEE Futures ( $KC_F ) published in members area of the website. The Commodity corrected the cycle from the 142.78 peak recently, when recovery unfolded as Regular Elliott Wave Flat structure. In further text we’re going to explain the forecast and Elliott Wave Pattern.
Before we take a look at the real market example of Expanded Flat, let’s explain the pattern in a few words.

Elliott Wave Regular Flat Theory

Elliott Wave Regular Flat is a 3 wave corrective pattern which could often be seen in the market nowadays. Inner subdivision is labeled as A,B,C , with inner 3,3,5 structure. Waves A and B have forms of corrective structures like zigzag, flat, double three or triple three. Third wave C is always 5 waves structure, either motive impulse or ending diagonal pattern. Wave C of completes usually at equal legs -1.618 Fibonacci extension of A related to B, but sometimes it could go up above 1.618 fibs ext.

At the graphic below, we can see what Regular Flat structure looks like.

COFFEE 4 Hour Elliott Wave Analysis 3.25.2020.

Recovery against the 142.78 peak is unfolding as Elliott Wave Flat Structure. Waves (A) and (B) blue have corrective- 3 waves structures. They unfolded as ZIG ZAG patterns with ABC red inner labeling, while wave © blue is unfolding as 5 waves rally. As we can see on the chart below COFFEE has already reached the Blue Box : 126.7-142.19. We expect Flat to complete there and sellers to appear for a 3 waves pull back at least .

You can learn more about Elliott Wave FLAT Patterns at our Free Elliott Wave Educational Web Page .


COFFEE 4 Hour Elliott Wave Analysis 4.2.2020.

COFFEE found sellers at the blue box area:126.7-142.19. We ended wave ((2)) as Elliott Wave Flat pattern. We got nice decline from the blue box and expect to see further extension down.

Keep in mind not every chart is trading recommendation. Turning Black arrows shows the path we prefer , but highest probability path is not the same as highest probability trade. Best instruments to trade are those having incomplete bullish or bearish swings sequences. We put them in Sequence Report and best among them are shown in the Live Trading Room . You can check most recent charts of COFFEE in the membership area of the site.


Elliott Wave Forecast