Commission Vs. Commission Free FX Brokers

Hey guys… New to forum but finding a lot of great info on the site! Looking forward to getting more active on the forums. Thanks ahead of time for your help here.

I have more experience with stock trading and the commission schedule of larger US firms. (Fidelity $7.95 per trade, etc.) - not as much with FOREX and the several different broker options.

I have often seen FOREX traders mention “Commission Free” trading with FX Brokers. However, as I know with standard stock trading, you can always find lower commissions than the $7.95 per trade at Fidelity, but often times you are sacrificing other aspects of your trading to receive this low commission (Horrible customer service, unfilled orders, etc). Obviously as your lot sizes increase, this per trade commission becomes more diluted. So for examples sake, say you are just trading in an account with a few thousand dollars. ($5000-$8000 USD) - with anywhere from 10-20 trades per month.

My question is this: Is commission vs no commission a big factor for you personally in choosing a broker? What is your experience with commission free trading / brokers VS the opposite (paying a commission per trade)?

Also, for those that do pay commissions per trade - what is an acceptable commission that you are willing to accept, and where would you drawn the line?

Just looking for some general guidance on the topic relating to FOREX brokers. Thanks again for your help everyone!

well all traders in this world i think would be prefer commission free broker with lowest spreads that what all trader want.
but i think it is depend on your need. if you wanna got low spreads in all pairs. i think a ECN commission based broker will be good