Common indicators in sideway trading

ah, now that would be telling. And before you or anyone else cares to comment about why I am not willing to share my own conclusions is simple. To become a better trader it is my belief that there is no quick fix of copying anything from anybody else. My personal experience (because I am not nearly as clever as some traders) is that everything I have been successful with in life has come at the price of a highly detailed education and significant commitment to learning. That is just me. I have not yet found the holy grail that just brings money for no effort or detailed pursuit of truth. I hope this is one of the best lessons you will take to heart.

You may be well advised to search for a website called No Nonsense Forex where the author cleverly guides you to the conclusion of your own by watching a series of short podcasts. I have created a 90+ page document that has recorded my own criteria and combinations. My trading recently has involved NO leveraging whatsoever so much of the effort I put in to creating the combination of indicators to set up, enter, manage and exit a trade have not been tested sufficiently to determine their robustness. This is for another time of my life when I am not going through the biggest change since birth (the passing away of my wife). Sorry to disappoint you with this. It is a topic that I am 99% sure I will revisit but not at this moment in time. :pray:

Why do you need indicators if itā€™s going sideways? Just use support and resistance levelsā€¦

FX Indicators are all based in priceā€¦ So unless there is an important deviation in price, indicators Will stay priti much flat as well

Ok thank you @ProfesorPips

I see.
I will use both of them.
thanks a million for mentioning.

I got you.
you are completely correct some says it is not professional to use others experience and copying it.
I just wanna know what people are doing coz I am new.
you are smart coz you answered me as complete as you can.

what a long journey I have ahead.
when will I learn about these stuffs.
Ok thank you