Competitive Trader Thread!

You have more experience than me, so I won’t be trading for the rest of the week devising a suitable plan for next week, I HATE missing out on the market but what can I do. :sob:

An observation if i may…

you know how people tell newbies, Leave emotion out of trading ?
well. there’s many ways to interpret that,
there’s the really obvious way
and there’s stuff like this…

this is emotions while trading
and TO PROVE IT, You can’t have an emoticon if you did not intent to express an emotion
(yes i’m joking, but i’m also being serious)

the point is… LITTLE STUFF LIKE THIS will eat at you ,
it’s best to kill these useless hates while they are small and defenseless

trade without emotion
don’t feel anything about missing out
if you miss out, MOVE ONTO THE NEXT ONE

emotions should not form part of the process AT ALL

think about it


For what it’s worth, I know exactly how you feel. Getting that feeling of ‘missing out’ under control was one of my biggest psychological battles. The other big one was being able to admit when I was wrong about a market movement - I was a terrible one for riding losing trades to the bitter end when I could have, and should have, gotten out in token profit ages ago.

The weird thing is that the better I get at this, the less I trade, and the more profitable I become. So far this month I’m at 8.5R, with only 9 trades. Actually, I’m at 9.5R, because I was able to see one of my two losers coming, and get out with a token amount of profit, although I do still have to count that as a loss for calculating my hit rate. :stuck_out_tongue:

In this game, less tends to be so very much more.

I guess I am too much of an opportunist :stuck_out_tongue:, every pip matters for me lol.
But I did learn a lot during this period of real live trading, so maybe its time for me to create a trading plan on how I approach trading for next week considering everything I learnt.

yes it is[quote=“Ben1987, post:173, topic:128536”]
so maybe its time for me to create a trading plan on how I approach trading

let me give you a head start on how to do it

You’re going to sit down and try and make it the most complicated PERFECT THING IN ONE HIT


don’t do that

Sit down and put down what comes to mind instinctively , Just jot down point forms, before you make a flow chart
then add a few other points

now… look at them all and organize them in logical sequence.

its’ a place to start, nothing more

from here, follow it while you’re trading

Now… you will find that you will get to parts in it where you say to yourself “Oh Shyte, i should have put this in here as well”

well. ADD IT IN
and then rinse and repeat until you get to a point where you LITERALLY cannot get to a point where you are saying “oh… i should have put that in”


the beauty of this is… IF YOU LOSE A TRADE, You can DEFINE at what point you fell over and why.

start there mate
and refine it until you can no longer fault it

Currently, this is my decision tree in how I decide to enter a trade.

I made a flowchart and still in the process of thinking of: entry signals for swing, ranging and news situations.
2. Questions I will ask before I enter each trade to double check the FA, TA & SA are aligned. (Fundamental analysis, Technical analysis and Sentiment analysis)
3. S/L, T/P that align my risk management goals, whether it is Swing, scalper or day trading.

Well this is a process in the making, which I have learnt from my practical experience of trading. I probably need to branch out my technical analysis for swing trading but for scalping the news, not really.

ok good
now let’s have fun and scrutinize it

you did the first step well… good man
now im going to show you how to question it

  1. you need to understand the the purpose of this thing is… it should FLOW so that an idiot could follow it


  1. DO these points means something to you ?
    if so that’s good,
    but if they seem vague like they do to me MAKE THEM MORE SPECIFIC
    but, if you understand what you need to do… THAT’S OK

  2. so… let’s walk through this flow chart and test it

Orange rectangle - Overview… ok
then… Arrow down to green circle… ok
green circle… - econcomic events… ok

now… Arrow… Arrow…

QUESTION 1. Which path do i take
QUESTION 2. if i go to Yellow circle and listen to news

after that… WHERE THE HELL DO I GO, there is no arrow to point me out of this place or to tell me what to do next
which is why we walk through the flow chart TO TEST IF IT WORKS IN THE REAL WORLD

You must only have 1 Arrow in 1 direction at one time
but you are allowed to create LOOPS in the chart
things like IF YES… GO HERE

try that

at what point does it say to place a trade
at what point are you checking your emotions
at what point are you checking your risk management
at what point are you managing that trade while it’s in progress
at what point does the process finish and go back to the beginning

these are all things you need to consider

Stay with it mate

like i said
to revisions of it
and scrutinize it
and test it REAL WORLD to see if IT TRULY DOES FLOW

be cool

The flow chart looks very professional, but maybe a little complicated. Some of those news channels will have your head spinning.

Don’t forget the levels, see how some guys exited at the 110.50, others hung in - thus price bobbled about that level for a while. See also the level they took it to.

Learning the levels can be an immense help, imagine that trade that I spoke of at UK open this morning using those levels for TP and SL.

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I have not created a sequence or a systematic approach to my three trading styles but will work on it this week. Also, I am revisiting my approach to trading which has helped me clear a lot of things.

Much better mate

now, i’m not going to continue nit picking at this, i’ll leave that to you
but I WILL SAY THIS… it all looks good but this box I CAN SEE FAILING

once i have a clear picture ON THE AMOUNT OF RISK i am exposed to

i can work on my S/L and T/P
PROBLEM - You don’t need to say it, Just make a box dedicated to DEFINING S/L and T/P

PROBLEM - What is a GOOD trade signal

you really need to make this a flow chart that is like TRADING FOR DUMMIES

now this box , IF NOT RECTIFIED can stuff up your entire risk management hehe

you see what i’m getting at … right

be cool dude

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Is that the only box that concerns you ?

If so, my next step was to make a detailed approach for my trading styles tonight.

mate, my first concern is… i shouldn’t be intervening too much because IT’S YOUR SYSTEM

and i don’t want you to cater it to me.
but all i’m saying is… I did this VAGUE THING as well

and i found that Until i got specific and defined things i wasn’t profitable


Step 1. based on research define an entry point
Step 2. Have i defined an entry point
Step 3. Am i certain about the entry point
Step 4. Define WHY this is a good entry point (this will later serve to show you where you stuff up)
Step 5. have i defined a Take profit
Step 6. do i know why i have placed the Take profit at this specific point
Step 7. Have i defined a Stop Loss
Step 8. Do i know why i have put it here specifically
Step 9. Does the stop loss give me an ACCEPTABLE LEVEL OF RISK
Step 10. if the trade gets stopped out, do i have a fall back plan

and then everything like
Step 5. have i defined a Take profit
Step 6. do i know why i have placed the Take profit at this specific point

should sort of be like this

Step 5. have i defined a Take profit
if YES Move to Step 6

if NO - Define a Take profit

Step 6. do i know why i have placed the Take profit at this specific point
if YES - Move to Step 7

if NO - Determine the specific reason

THINGS LIKE THAT is what i’m talking about

this should be YOUR TRADE PLAN
i just want to be point out really obviously that you need to really really get specific, but IN YOUR OWN WORDS, not mine

at the end of the day, if your flow chart looks like garbage to me, BUT YOU UNDERSTAND IT specifically… that’s fine
so that’s my point

but you are doing good mate, don’t worry
this takes a few months to perfect, so just let it happen

be cool

oh. one last note
a guy gave a very good piece of to me at one point.
he called it


it means this…

Imagine you are in court and i accuse you of stealing something in a shop
now, i can accuse
i can do something more concrete


the CCTV camera on the streets shows you walking into the shop
the CCTV camera in the store shows you waling into the isle
and the item can be seen on the shelf
you are then see picking up the item (Which is obviously a porno mag hehe) and stuffing it down your pants :stuck_out_tongue:

Point is
THE ACT OF BUILDING A CASE WHEN TRADING, Psychologically, gets you to

  • Cover all bases

  • before make a decision you make CONCRETE REASONS as to WHY you are doing it

now. this is not flawless, but… when you trade incorrectly… YOU NOW HAVE A ROCK SOLID REASON WHY YOU FAILED
as opposed to … I’m not really sure

so consider PROVING THE CASE to yourself before placing the trade

me personally
i don’t just write it down
i video myself
i use 2 video capture softwares

i use Debut Video capture to record my desktop (you can also use Camtasia if you like, but Rendering time is a pain)

i also use another one (forgot the name) not to record, but to just access my webcam so i have a box
on the desktop that i can see myself in

that way when debit video records the desktop

it records me and the charts and i basically just speak to myself on the camera and tell myself why i believe that this trade will be successful

now if i stuff up later
i go back and revisit the recording

this helps immensely in my opinion

be cool

I think @anon81929759 was just holding that up as an example, and I wholeheartedly agree with the points that he has been making. We are both walking the fine line of trying to help you with your trading plan, without just driving you to make our trading plans, which wouldn’t do you any good.

Ideally, you should be able to give you trading plan to somebody else and have them execute the exact same trades that you would execute if you were at the keyboard. This means that your full decision tree needs to be spelled out, which is difficult for most people (at first), because we are not used to interrogating how we actually make decisions.

This, to a large extent, is why most traders become ‘niche predators’, who dominate their tiny part of the market. You talk about ‘fundamental analysis’ like it is a single thing, but having to write out a flow chart that covers every possible aspect of fundamental analysis could be a life’s work. But dealing with only a small part of that (trading central bank interest rate decisions, for example, or correlations between the price of oil and the CAD) is far, far more manageable.

Equally, you want to have plans to deal with trending markets, ranging markets, and news markets, but each plan will be a massive amount of work that, even if successful, does not always translate into significantly greater profits. Some of the great stock traders simply had one or two patterns that they traded, and simply went looking for stocks that fit their patterns rather than worrying about how to trade the stocks that were doing something different.

yes that’s correct

it was meant as an example

now perhaps for me being in I.T. and i’m used to dealing with schematics when doing circuit board repairs, logical flow maybe comes to me easier… Perhaps.

but again, this hits on my point from before
i do a flow chart MY WAY and it flows and (as far as i’m concern) it literally goes step by step, i can’t fault it
i literally (when trading) move from box to box and answer each question like a multiple choice form (in a sense)

another part of it, when i gets boring is… REMEMBERING TO RESPECT THE FLOW CHART and it’s importance and not just skip through it because youv’e remembered the steps

but that’s me
now… YOU have to work it out FOR YOU

so what i was saying was…


  • But Make it specific and detailed

so @Drekieyja was correct, i was showing you a CONCEPT of what to do
you gotta understand that to

be cool mate

Just want to follow up on this as well bro. Love what your doing. It’s very rare to find someone willing to expose themselves as you have here. Very impressive.

But on the fundamental analysis thing. You look like you desperately want to trade inter-day. Fundamental analysis plays no role and has no business in an inter-day trading plan. All we’re concerned about is when news is going to be released and what impact it could have.

The role fundamental analysis can play is to help with your bias for a pair. On longer time-frames they talk of up-trends, down-trends, ranging markets. To us, we’re only concerned in the here and now. Meaning the price is going up or the price is going down. It can’t do nothing else, these are it’s only two options Having developed a bias on a pair one only has to wait until the price is moving with our bias and well, then we do our thing. Thats how we extract pips thus creating opportunity for profit.

But whatever your thing is, then that’s what you have to do. Keep doing it, never stop. Hopefully, you’ll be showing us all a thing or two in a few months time.


CI really did want to hold back, but a high probability trade on the USDJPY presented itself to me :grin:.
Firstly, I knew the fundamentals on JPY were good against the USD and the next big news for USD will be in a few days with smaller economic events for JPY that should not disturb the overall downtrend ATM.

I checked the overall market and it was trending downwards significantly. I used past and future economic events to determine whether a trend disturbing event will occur, which I have concluded as unlikely until the end of the week.

I did a multiple time-frame analysis based on swing trading where I looked at H1, H4, D1, W1 charting.
I based my trade solely on previous candlestick patterns and support level on the charts D1 & W1. Want to hold this trade until the end of the week with further considerations, on hold.

I also know that support and resistances on higher timeframe tend to be more accurate compare to lower timeframes. This trade had 10% TA, 60% FA, 20 SA.

Starting capital before trade



My risk exposure against my total current capital is 4%.
I lowered my position sizing to match my risk management goals.
This type of trend should definitely be a swing trade to maximise profits.

Another note, when two major currencies such as EUR & JPY with good fundamental news are attacking one currency, the USD, the probability of it reaching new highs or lows is very foreseeable, making it a high probability trade.

Reviewing my trade, I should of taken into consideration the psychological point of 110.9 when trading and could of taken short burst trades during that time. Then returning to my overview of the market on USDJPY, a downtrend.

Sometimes after a good push two days in a row there can be a little pull back - good luck with the trade.

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I agree, I’d think it’ll reach 106 in 3 weeks actually lol JPY went down 2 cents already this week.

Also, there is too much interchangeable economies in play.

Positive outlook on the ECB, I took a trade believing that the EURO with two positive outlooks in both meetings, will reach close to 1.26 in another few hours.