The errors I made from this week, considering and aligning my Post 94 to work on.
Key points to improve my forex trading
Question my approach, whether my T/P is in a realistic zone and what is the probability of it hitting. Aiming too high or low is detrimental to my success.
Trade only one or two US currencies, decide on economic events and news, concerning currency correlation. My other trades have to be EURO or YEN crosses.
Consider dividing my capital risk proportion of 1.25% into my open trades. Since I am not a swing trader, as I presume from the past two weeks of experience, my S/L and T/P needs to be aligned with a day trader’s approach.
ATM I have an S/L of 14-17 to T/P 18-24 roughly. IF my Bottom end of my T/P is larger than my S/L top end, I can make some profitable trading.
The biggest problem I had was the randomness of my S/L & T/P and will need to structure it. Also, getting too involved in the market, getting out of the trades too early, well, too much to remember .
However, I am getting better every week, and therefore, will keep improving weekly and hopefully turn a profit next week, but my main priority is just to keep learning, that’s it.