Complete beginner

Good evening everyone

Completely new to Forex etc,Joined this afternoon and can not wait to get started!

Hi and welcome :slight_smile: did you visit the BP education section? Regards Greg

Welcome! :blush: Hope you enjoy it here. I would also suggest you check out the school here to get started on the basics of forex. :smiley: Good luck!

Welcome! You’re in a great place! Take your time learning and feel free to share your trading progress. We’re here to support you! Good luck!

Welcome to the community, @Andrew_Lucas. Start with the education section here. It’s the best place to start for beginners.

Hi everyone
Goreex here,
Yes !that’s what I’m doing now pipsology

Welcome Goreex! You’re in the right place to start your trading journey. Good luck and see you around!

Hello! and welcome @Andrew_Lucas! How’s your learning going so far? Hope you’re enjoying your stay here and learning a lot. Good luck on your trading journey!

Welcome to the community, Goreex. Just ask away if some things aren’t clear to you.

Hey Goreex, welcome to the forum! This community is here to support you every step of the way. Good luck and happy learning!