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Bob pay attention to your backtesting. It seems to me it’s completely faulty. Too many errors on your backtesting. If the EA is the same you submitted to robopip, j made some tests with it and starting from 20130101 till now the result is you completly loose your account. Pay attention to the percentage on the upper right corner, you have N/A so the results are of no use.
If you need help for backtesting let me know.
The Graal is too far from us

Dear sir,
Please give me some idea about backtesting. i had not posted this ea anywhere. but i don’t know how to backtest accurately. please guide me. so that we can filter the ea and can use it. when i am looking on the chart and calculates then it always ends with profit. but after testing it shows profit but it also shows n/a or lots of errors. so please guide me to backtest it correctly. so that we can use this ea.

The Graal is too far from us

Firstly thank you for sharing your interests in both kumarbapu’s and mine threads. The journey in search of the holy grail is a journey of a thousand miles. And as a wise man said once every journey starts with a single step. My good mate kumarbpau looks likes he’s near the end of his journey and we wish him safe passage and hope soon he’ll be holding his grail high. I however have only just started but have a vision of where my grail lies. I’ll post some notes over in my thread as this thread should be about kumarbapu’s grail :59:

First of all in the MT4 platform go to Tools -> Option click on the tab Charts then change the value of the default Max bars in history and the Max bars in chart to the maximum (click in the editable field and keep pressing the number 9 until it stops), do the same form the other field and press ok. If you open again the tab the number changes outomatically to the max it can support (you see the number change from 9999999999999999 to a new number, this is ok).
Now you must collect the data, go to Tools -> History Center, click on the pair you need (eg. EURUSD) than click on the timeframe bar you want (always click on the 1M timeframe) then push the button download in the bottom.
You have done.
Keep in mind that this is the minimum precision you should have to test your EA.
There is an howto somewhere in the forum that explain how to get the tick data from Dukascopy but for your starting i think this is enough.
Have a good weekend, and if you need help ask again.
Bye to all.

I find it, look here

Hello sir,
thank you for your help. But i know these things. and doing it. if there is something different and more effective method then please tell me. i will follow that method.

If you know this, why your accuracy in the backtest is N/A? It should be at least 90% with no errors.
Try to change the period in wich you’re backtesting and see if the result are the same. In that case probably there are errors in the EA itself.
The more accurate method is that described in the tutorial of ClarkFx, you find the link in my previous post.
If you read the entire thread there is also the description about how to test effectively the EA.
Can you detail more your proposition? I’m sorry but i’m an italian man and my English is not so good as i wish.

I wrote an EA that does this between 2000 and 2005… Starts with $200 and makes loads of profit…

But after 2005, it begins to loose fist fulls of money. Obviously the market conditions changed, but I can’t see how to check for those changes, because I cannot get it to work now.