Consistently profitable?

Hello all im now about 1/2 way through the school of pipsology and i am wondering can you be consistently profitable using only the information from baby pips?
Thank you to those who respond!


Basically, it takes several years of learning to be consistently profitable - and even then, unless you are a trend trader, your strategy is always subject to market conditions.

As for trend traders, they have the best chance of being successful long term. In America there is a Dunn investment firm which has only traded market trends for the last forty years, and been successful throughout.

IMO, any USA resident should take a look at what they offer to clients.

Finally, my trend trading strategy does provide me with a breakeven profit - but I am a long way from being successful. Try looking at



Brokers & market makers wouldn’t sponsor a site that promotes information on how to beat them.

Babypips school provides only basic overview how markets work and how to trade them, it is like a groundwork for researching trading ideas and developing your own approaches. There can’t be universal guide how to become profitable or how to build a trading system that trades in profit consistently because otherwise those who learned the trick would compete to extract profit as fast (and as much) as possible driving down profit to zero as more players participate to exploit this trick. This is how efficient markets work, only private information can yield substantial and consistent profit.


It costs around $1million to train someone to trade the markets, if you look at the revenue per employee for the banks that is how much an employee generates for them, breakeven is at top 8% but you have a 92% probability of loss 92% of the time.

“only private information can yield substantial and consistent profit”

This is correct, breakeven used to be at 5,000hrs but today it’s more like 10,000hrs, making a career of trading with associated profits is double that number (read Outliers - Gladwell), the days of getting third parties access to institutional technology, knowledge, experience are gone.

As for employees AI will probably take over many banking jobs because it’s the same problem, having $100,000s hole in the balance sheet per person because someone decided to not follow the plan is not interesting, which is exactly what happens if you give people access or jobs who shouldn’t be there in the first place, not those who paid a lot for their masters or college or spent a decade working their way up.

Plus before anyone comments on the numbers, this is finance, the markets will absorb $10,000s of net worth in seconds, pay CEOs $10,000,000s, pay consultants and traders $millions, it’s a wealth game, read about the 2s/10s forex trades and it will be clearer.

"Indeed, if you aren’t certain that you understand and can value your business far better than Mr. Market, you don’t belong in the game. As they say in poker, “If you’ve been in the game 30 minutes and you don’t know who the patsy is, you’re the patsy.” - Warren Buffett

Why don’t you try and find out? Let us know how it goes.


BabyPips provides a solid foundation, but consistent profitability in forex trading usually requires additional learning, real-world experience, risk management, and emotional discipline.

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yes why not? let me anwser your qestion by asking you a question: does a trader succeed the more information he got or does he succeed by his emotional state of mind when it comes to analyzing charts? :smiley:

i think the information you will learn at babypips are the same information you will learn/find anywhere else. you can’t re-invent the wheel. it’s like asking if you can drive with a honda to kansas. yes you can, no matter if its an honda, ford or mercedes because it depens on the driver, not the car :wink: I hope you understand what i mean my friend.

happy trading! :smiley:


Babypips is basic education. That doesn’t mean one can’t do pretty well with the basics but one needs to grow in experience. You will find that popular concepts many traders have adopted help them to find areas where their trades stand increased chances of success. Concepts like Smart Money, BTMM, Orderflow, and the likes are things not taught at Babypips school. So, yeah, you may do well with basics but you still need to be open to learning. Babypips is the trader’s initiation passage into the world of forex trading.


Regretfully, both Brokers and Market Makers are only too willing to provide enough info on how to trade profitably albeit they are safe in their knowledge that 85% of traders will fail.

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Hmm. :thinking: I think that the school here is a good starting point. :open_mouth: But forex is a continuous learning process. You also need to gain information from other resources, and your experiences, before you become consistently profitable. :open_mouth: It won’t be an easy task though! It can take weeks, months, or even years before you get there. :confused:

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This part is challenging even with information from a million other sources.

Congrats on your progress in the School of Pipsology. Like what others have said, the School here is a great foundation. It’s all about practice and getting better with each trade.

You know even expert traders are sometimes not consistently profitable……Don’t lose hope and try differently.

Even if the most profitable trader teaches you all he/she knows without consistent practice, you’ll be whipsawed real bad.

So the key thing in the knowledge you’ve acquired is practice.

Babypips has given you the theory, it’s up to you to take on the practical.