Copy/mirror trades between two accounts?


Does anyone know any program or EA that can be used for copying trades between two accounts - independently of if the master account owner trades from his PC or his mobile phone?

The reason is that I want to copy trades from a friend of mine that is more successfull than I am. :slight_smile:

Best regards

I use from months FX Blue copier and i am very satisfied with it. The limitaion is that it should be used between account running on MT4 platforms running on the same PC. There is for sure a way to use this or other copier EA between different PC, but i don’t know how to do it. Also the slippage would be a problem, while on my PC i am copying trades from a demo to other 4 real accounts with a very low slippage

Alternatively your friend shpuld start on the mql5 community a signal service and you subscribe to it. But from my experience slippage on signal services on mql5 is massive