Question: What qualifications are needed for a trader to be taken seriously by the industry ?
I did not do finance in uni but if I had a consistent track record with the markets, should I pursue some sort of finance qualification ?
I have heard that some traders posses a CTA certificate ( Commodities Trading Adviser) and have seen some with a CFA qualification. Do they matter? Given that I did Law, what qualifications should I try and obtain now ? I am in my mid twenties ( if my age might matter)
Many thanks in advance for your kind advice.
My goal is to be able to manage money for other people if I get a decent track record of consistency.
In the alternative I hope to be hired by a hedge fund if possible.
A little about myself, I was previously a corporate lawyer with a specialty in energy and projects. WhilstI enjoyed my day job, I found myself drawn to towards speculating what impact if any would a given deal have on the markets.
Following the BP blowout fiasco for example, an analysis of the legal structure and contracts pointed towards BP not being fully liable for the incident given the other indemnities and contractual protections in place. This I was told, might be an edge for a lawyer wanting to get into the business of stock picking.
Current level of understanding of the markets
I do not hold a degree in finance but I have put myself up to speed with understanding candlesticks, S/R levels and etc.
I am not consistent yet in my results. I consider myself as a technical trader holding positions for no longer than 3-4 days at most. I understand basic money management and trade sizing to limit my risk to 1-2% per trade.
I currently trade forex for experience but might utilise my edge in the equity markets by focusing on distressed companies that are currently in litigation…
I can stick to a strategy and can bear drawdowns of up to 25%.
I am learning now with a 4 digit account but can ramp it up to 5-6 digits if and when I am confident in my consistency.
I am reasonable with my expectations and and happy with at least a 2-3% return a month.