COT Report Analysis - a thread on market sentiment

Good morning guys.

Well, it’s 8 GMT now, and man look at the CAD! They have just been tearing up everyone. Then next strongest is NZD. And this is all during the Asian session beginning for a Wednesday.
Well, no sign of USD yet.
I’m watching if there’s gonna be any sign of a current change here in the beginning of London.

Hey Rookie! Glad to see your finally awake! Missed you buddy. Good stuff posted. Yeah, I’m wanting to see some NZD go high. Their strong as of the last few hours. They go either way high or way low. I wonder if this is a turning tide going on now.

So we have CAD boss, and NZD next strongest, AUD stronger than Majors at this point.
We’ll see what London has to say about that.

Still on the sidelines guys.


Hey guys.

I think this is interesting.
This is the daily chart of NZD/USD.

It looks like NZD will close the gap from the weekend.
In fact I’ve been looking at all who can do that, close the gap.

Just interesting.

Hey guys.

Sorry to be throwing in pictures here. But, at least it’s related to our subject.
I bought this program (been quite a while now) called “strongweak”. It’s an app. From FXCM. It shows who’s strong/weak in a few time frames. It’s live. I don’t live without that.

Just look at CAD.

Anyway, this always gives me a snapshot of what’s going on in the market.
I need to know!

Just figured I’d share that.


Ok guys, one more.

This is the US dollar index.

This is 1 hr time frames, from the beginning of the week.
82.50 is a major level. Looks poised now to climb after a nice correction. Technically speaking if it stays above that level it is considered bullish.

We’ll see.


Hi guys,

I wake up again and many good posts are waiting for me.

Well it is good that I was waiting for the USD long confirmations. They never came. So I just look what happens now. As peterma wrote, the talks about Ukraine were positive, there is also cease fire in Gaza, so we can expect a comm rally I think. It has already started and we see how long it goes. EDIT: I started this post about 2 hours ago, now when I worked myself through all the issues the USD is getting some strength again.

[B]Mike[/B], I do not know where you take the energy and time for all these posts. I have been reading posts, links and article from all of you since two hours but I never come to an end because your do just keep posting. :18:I try to answer as usually in this one post for all the 10-15 posts coming in until I slept. So, I do not have an explanation for CAD. There is no news out there about it. I would put it the same way as rookie, might be a normal correction and risk on sentiment. And because all comms are strong I would not be so positive on NZD like you. Of course never know, but only because they win some pips does not mean anything to me. MIKE!!! I am at post number 643. We are talking about sentiment since 3 months here and it takes you 600 posts to share us your bought sentiment tool??? And you just mentioned these charts as it has no value! Lol, you have 1 000 different sides. I guess it is lot better to see it now than never! :wink: You are funny. The USD Index chart is good, peterma emphasizes it, I still forget it often so good that you reminded me.

[B]Philip[/B], I like this Button guy. You can give him the offer to decide between FXLive or our thread. And tell him we only give this offer once.

[B]Peterma[/B], what is this activity? It makes me very happy! And the news even more. I really hope now that Comms will rock for a couple of days at least. I do not know much about month end fix so thanks for the links! As I understand the article it would be good to sell USD on Friday morning and buying it back at night. The question is how it works if Comms are keep getting stronger in the next three days. These small tips can give us so many pips in the long-run and maybe we would not understand usually what is going on the last day of the month but this makes it clear. I have one question though to the month-end fix article. It only mentions USD with other currencies. Do you have any observations for cross-currency pairs?

[B]rookie[/B], looking at Mike’s weekly charts I think we mostly see 3’s but also 1’s. What I rarely see is 2’s. So this might come to conclusion that if the 2nd week has the same conclusion as the 1st then we might assume that a 3rd week will also occur. This week is good to test it. And as 4’s did not occur until now, most likely next week is Majors. About your issue on conflicts in Ukraine/Gaza/Iraq conflict. I do believe for our point of view the first one has the most effect. It affects the EUR economy quite hard, but sanctions also go on to USD a lot as well. So besides risk off and on I think the economy of Europe will produce different results based on sanctions and less trade between the countries. And one special reason only for me: HUF, PLN and CZK. They are very highly correlated to Ukraine crisis. I do have long trades and read the article too. I have to say I am really looking forward to observe the issue on Friday. I want to see how it works. I use USD also for hedging purposes so I am not that worried about it. I will however write all these issues down in my trade update today.

PS: it is Wednesday so we should not forget our trade updates!

I’m not really following so someone explain this to me…We have a breakthrough in Ukraine and Gaza so commodities should go higher? shouldn’t it be US going higher and gold lower?

As for the end of month fix [I]Peterma[/I] is that related to the performance of US stocks only or does it extend beyond that?

Hi Philip,

commodities should go higher and exotic currencies too with higher carry trade. If there is peace it is could for higher yielding currencies, if there is war it is good for lower yielding currencies. Well, with gold you are the Master. With pure common sense I would also say gold should go lower as it is also known as a safe haven commodity.

However as I read more and more details this breakthrough in Ukraine is very questionable.

[QUOTE=“ForExchange;650856”]Hi Philip, commodities should go higher and exotic currencies too with higher carry trade. If there is peace it is could for higher yielding currencies, if there is war it is good for lower yielding currencies. Well, with gold you are the Master. With pure common sense I would also say gold should go lower as it is also known as a safe haven commodity. However as I read more and more details this breakthrough in Ukraine is very questionable.[/QUOTE]

I haven’t been reading much on conflict in Ukraine FE why would you doubt that ?

I need to get as much update as I can on risk aversion as I’ve got my AUDUSD trade going and it’s in a loss. I’m contemplating much what I should do next. If I can get this through tomorrow us session where there’ll be a lot of top tier data. I guess that’s my last bet. Or otherwise I should start thinking about my exit strategy.

Thanks again Mike for posting these images. Especially dollar index. I’m keeping a close on this.


Well it’s about an hour before US wakes up. I’m thinking (seeing) the USD rising. Mostly against the Comms.
See, it’s the Americans turn and I think we’re gonna go back to the Majors today, with USD leading the way.

Just my thoughts. Check it out.

My trades update.
I presently have none going now. But I placed a limit trade.
NZD/USD sell at .83402 with a 20 pip stop loss and a 30 pip take profit in place.
That has a ways to go to kick in, but the day is long.

I’m up .6% this week so far.

The end of the week is gonna be something. I’m hoping for a good opportunity.

FE…if you like that strong/weak app all I have to do is take a snap shot and send it. Is no problem. We should only be concerned with the daily figures. That tallies up the pips gained in the last 1,440 minutes, (basically a complete days worth of minutes) against each other. The 15, 1hr, and 4hr figures change just so much.


PS…or I guess you can buy it. $99.00 On FXCM apps. But, I got you covered anyway. :57:

Oh wow…approaching USD session, the GBP is kicking butt. Strongest Major. The Majors are taking over the Comms.

USDCAD is approaching its lows of the past four weeks. I’m still in it, but lets pray for that dollar squeeze so we can buy it at a better price :smiley:

Although I have to say it will be interesting to see how the dollar reacts to the GDP news. As I have mentioned in earlier trade, the revision should be higher than the 4% expected based on yesterday’s data.

Thanks [I]FE[/I] for the explanation. I thought it was actually the other way around! You are right about gold but I always knew gold acted inversely to dollar, you are suggesting the contrary.

[B]1. Medium- to long-term trades:[/B]

[I]AUD/NZD long: +63 pips
AUD/CAD long: -18 pips
EUR/AUD short: +96 pips
AUD/CHF long: +48 pips

EUR/CHF long: -33 pips[/I]

We can say until this point that choosing to go with AUD vs. weak currencies was a good idea in the very end of last week. CAD is strong today but the other trades are doing great so it is ok. The last trade comes from last week still. I entered it because of the range trading of this pair. It moved in the beginning against me and does not like to move anywhere. As I am concerned that it should not really go south from here, I will stay in this trade.

[B]2. Long –term trades:[/B]

[I]HUF, CZK, PLN, TRY: - who knows how many pips.[/I]

As you see these trades are not doing good. I cannot even say the pips as I would have to calculate all the different pairs, pip values, positions etc. So of course I have an overview how it goes but do not know the exact pip value in USD. All trades will stay and risk on sentiment does help these trades.

[B]3. Hedging trades:[/B]

Because my Long-term trades are not doing so good, last week I entered some larger position size hedging long USD trades only to give a bit balance for my exotic currencies. I guess I was greedy because of the large pot sizes and I gave a target value for these trades. It is rarely that win our not happy for winning but it happened when my trades got hit. I made a nice profit but it meant that all other trades worked against me too. So next time I guess I do not make any profit targets for hedging. For good news, my profit targets got hit and shortly after USD turned. This means I can get back to my hedging at a better price! We have to say that this time I got lucky! I will still go on hedging mainly with Comms against my exotic currencies. Because some trades got hit, I write here which trades are still on and which ones are closed. So my heding setups are/were:

[I]NZD/USD short: +56 pips, closed
USD/CAD long: +43 pips, closed
AUD/USD short: -32 pips, open
USD/CAD long (entered back again): -62 pips, open
USD/CAD (entered on a better price): -3 pips, open[/I]

[B]4. Short-term trades:[/B]

Well these trades are not running so good. These are USD longs against other Majors, but not for hedging. Here the purpose is to make profit. USD is weak lately so they are not running so good:

[I]GBP/USD short: -31 pips
EUR/JPY short: -9 pips
EUR/USD short: +4 pips
NZD/USD short: -44 pips[/I]

That’s it guys. All in all, I am satisfied with the categories 1. and 3. as AUD makes nice profit and hedging works, more than that I made some nice profit with luck. The categories 2. and 4. are not doing so good. The really long-term trades are only worrying me because they just take too much margin away. The USD long trades are not doing great but I will hold on to them. It is not in the forex books to hold on to losers, which is true, but my USD bias is very strong so I will stick to my trades and monitor them, but not closing the losses as I think there is a good chance that after a 100-200 pips maximum correction they will had back to the direction of my bias.

Hi guys,

I am waiting on your opinions on my trades, on your trades and potential developments in my plan.

I am pessimitic about the Ukraine situation. It is true that the presidents met but reading deep in all news, they have not achieved much. Going more deeply into the news, Russian soldiers are continuously in Ukraine now, they send another convoy without discussing it with anyone, give further weapons for separatists and Russian soldiers were even captured in Ukraine during the discussion in Minsk… Also Russian soldiers killed Ukraine bordermen yesterday. More than that, Ukraine and Poland discussed that they will spend more money in the future on weapons and issues are rising that Russia might not give gas to Europe for Winter (however that would be tough to imagine as it threatens way too many innocent people. So I really hope the situation gets better but it need a lot more efforts.

For the USD long positions I am not so worried.

I think risk sentiment and retracement is more important this week than reports. GDP is of course important. I also got in USD/CAD long hedging position some time ago, as you said it is a better price now to get in. I do worry though on your NZD/USD trade. You made a 20 pips stop loss. Dangerous. I have not checked the charts but 20 pips means you really have to get the top and turning point right without a big resistance zone in a risk on environment. Like I said I did not check the charts but it looks dangerous. Check those candles for confirmation.

I am keen to learn about gold so you can maybe describe how it moves in different situations.

Good job FE!!! With the AUD trades. Man, if I had the guts to just stay in when the week started. Oh well. I’m glad to see you took advantage of that! That makes me feel better.

I’m impressed with you trades.

Keep up the good work, on managing them.


I made up the part about “market participants” - it was just me seeing the squeeze going to happen today at London open, it was just a little warning in case some of you intended to long the USD this morning.

(I suppose it wasn’t a lie since I’m a participant) The earlier post yesterday about the CRB and the USDX was the reason I could see the squeeze coming, also the over-reaction on price on GBP yesterday was a red flag.

This type of action gives great chance to enter when it’s over.

FE, on Ukraine/Russia - these things it’s usually what is not said that’s important - I would say the next thing will be a “peace roadmap”.

Well, if that is going to happen then that will be a quite good day. May I ask why do you think that? Do you have an insider information? :slight_smile:

[I]I continue now a new series here, I write here down my own thoughts about my second COT book as I read it. I write down anyway always for myself what I think is important to look it back later, so I decided why not to post it here too? Important: I write down the own words of the author, in the right order as it comes in the book. However I will not structure the different thoughts and do not write down which pages they were. I just want to mention the sentences which I find important for myself. This is not the same value for you as reading the book (hopefully you will all read it when you have the time for it), however it is better than nothing. I also make my own summary in the end of each post.[/I]

[B]The Breakthrough[/B] (getting inside volume and open interest)

While most people understand that stocks move due to volume, many stocks players are not familiar with one of the major differences between stocks and commodities. This difference is open interest (OI). Unlike stocks, this is a zero-sum game. For every dollar won, a dollar is lost.

In the stock market a company issues a certain number of shares (float), and that’t it - there are no more shares to trade. In commodities there is no finite number of contracts or float. It is open ended. As long as a new buyer comes in and there is a new seller, OI will increase. At times there may be more volume (i.e. contracts traded) than total OI. Open interest applies primarily to the futures market.

[I]A key point on open interest [/I]
The more contracts open, the larger the interest in the market has become. Thus an increase in OI is saying that someone is very excited about what the market is doing - going up or down. I think of OI as participation or interest in a market, and know that when OI is increasin someone thinks the current trend is valid. They are climbing on board that price trend.
A large OI tells us, for the most part, that the crowd or masses are in the marketplace, and they are usually found to be wrong. When OI is very low, the public has no interest in the market - it’s a pure commercial market. Usually this is where major up moves begin, when the public has no appetite to be buyers. Never take another man’s bet. He wouldn’t offer it to you if he wasn’t thinking that he knew something you didn’t.

[I]Open interest as a timing or entry tool[/I]
Low OI means that the public and funds have lost interest in this particular market. Since I live and die by the notion the public is wrong, the fact that the public is not intrested in a market means I should be.
While at times OI does not call the exact low, we can still pretty much rest assured that almost all lows will come hand in glove with this important market indication.
Let’s look at a few more markets to drive home this point, and discuss what markets this does not work in - notably stock index futures. The financial markets have a much different OI pattern as there is no physical crop of stocks or British pounds to bring to the marketplace, so the interest in the market is synthetic and involves a great deal of arbitrage beteen markets. This accounts for spikes in OI close to delivery, with a large buildup of OI, then a sharp drop-off as the new contract begins trading.

[I]Sells in silver[/I]
High OI levels are associated with market peaks and low levels with market bottoms.

[I]Buying and selling[/I]
The lesson is that OI can be very helpful to us. Think of it as the masses, the crowd. Markets by their very nature cannot have everyone buying the lows and selling the highs. However, the opposite, buying the highs and selling the lows, is ture. So look for times when there is no OI if you want to find a market that is going to get really interesting.

[B]Opening Up on Open Interest[/B]

The question is not if open interest (OI) is increasing or decreasing, but who is causing the change - weak hands like the public or strong hands like the commercials? That’s the question that need to be answered. So what if prices are rallying in a nice uptrend. The tellling issue is whether a concomitant increase in OI is being caused by the public adding long positions while the commercials are decreasing their longs or the commercials adding longs while the public is doing the selling. It’s not so much OI that controls the market as it is who (which side or team) is controlling OI.

Looking inside OI tells us so much more than looking at just OI and price.

[I]Summary[/I]: These were very interesting chapters but I have to be very carefull. It was the first time when the examples of the COT report showed different conclusions on OI in financial instruments, commodities or stock. The interpretation of OI in these different markets have to be based on the actual market type and not as a common analysis type. The 2 chapters gave great examples with charts which I cannot show here. It worth it to read it in the book. My opinion is though that it is easier to make clear conclusions on net position and COT Index than on Volume and Open Interest.

Just after reading here about the roadmap, if they can just manage a truce then there is hope that such a plan could gain some momentum - but they have to stop the fighting first.

“The fighting came hours after Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko promised a “roadmap” for peace in the east.”

I know that’s just been posted but must have been somewhere else during this morning.

BBC News - Ukraine crisis: Rebels push into port of Novoazovsk