COT Report for Trading Analysis

Please, how useful is the COT report to trading analysis and how can i get a better form of it, instead of the one from CFTC website which just looks plain confusing. I use tradingview, so if there’s any COT indicator, please let me know as it will be easier for me there. Thanks everyone!!!

I don’t think it is very useful unless you plan to do position trading and hold your trades for quite lengthy times. Although sometimes it may help to show that the market is very bearish or bullish. If this is still the case on release there could be good chance for reversal. As for an indicator for tradingview, sorry can’t help you there. I use metastock Xenith and MT4. To help you with the raw data from CTFC what you want to do is compare long positions with short positions. Choose only Non Commercial as Non Commercial is Professional Traders wanting to make profit from trading.

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I trade binary options regularly, and I was thinking of using the CFTC to just understand where where the pressure is on the market, that is whether there more buying pressure or selling pressure currently, do you thing that is okay?

Sorry, I’m not familiar with your needs because I’m more familiar with the spot forex market.

I use Meta trader 4. I think that is the best thing you can do to compare your long positions with short positions.

The COT report is a weekly sentiment report that can provide forex traders like you with important information on the positioning of currency pairs. Issued by the Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) the COT report can be cross-referenced with a trader’s underlying forex strategy.COT report offers a unique look at the positioning of futures traders across a broad range of markets, and it is quite often used as a proxy for the FX trading market.

Did you ever get to find a COT indicator? :open_mouth:

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I couldn’t man, it’s hard to get one. It seems i will just have to develop one myself later on. If you happen across one, please share. Thanks

Strange. For something that’s talked about so much you’d think it’d be easy to find. :confused: Yeah for sure!

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For real…People talk about it a lott, yet it’s so difficult to find. Crazy really.

Sure I’ll send if I find one…

I have only used MT4 to compare long positions with short positions. Have no idea about how COT is.