Hello all,
I started this thread so that a discussion, if there is going to be one can be done here and will not clutter up my other thread where there is an ongoing record of trading done for the covered call strategy.
The covered call strategy is not a new strategy nor is it one that I thought up or discovered or anything of that sort.
It is a very old strategy that has been used successfully in options combination trading on the stock market in particular with “buy and hold” traders. It provided a regular streaming of income for players who have bought a particular stock and have intention of never selling it or at least holding it for a very long term. Most of these players would be commercial fund houses, family trusts and/or foundations.
In a “buy and hold” strategy, the only income source would be dividends. Covered calls then had the means for another source of revenue in addition to dividends.
In the world of forex, due to the very high volatility involved, in my opinion, one should only focus on the gain of option premium.
So how does one stand to gain or profit from a covered call strategy in the forex market.
First of all, in a covered call strategy there are two parts of the equation. Part one is the option and part two is the underlying asset.
To simplify matters, we will just use EUR/USD as the underlying asset and the EUR/USD call as the option.
Let us say the EUR/USD is at 1.38 and we purchased the EUR/USD at 1.38
We now have the underlying asset.
We now set up the covered option. Let’s say a EUR/USD Call at 1.38 strike with an expiration of 2 days at 52 pips.
This set up does not require you to predict if the EUR/USD is going up or going down. It really does not matter although one might say that going in one direction would be more beneficial than if it goes the other. This is very true but it does not really matter because one is trading a system and with the trading of a system, there are contingency actions that one must take and these will be discussed later.
In this set up, one of two things will happen as the option moves it’s merry way towards expiration in 2 days time.
The EUR/USD will either move above 1.38, or it will move below 1.38 as the option expires.
Our focus will be on the OPTION only because if you remember, we are taking a “buy and hold” position on the underlying assets so we will not unlock our EUR/USD anytime soon or maybe never at all. We are prepared to be willing to hold this for a very long time.
Let us look at what happens if the EUR/USD goes below 1.38, even if it is only at 1.3799.
The 1.38 call expires worthless and the entire 52 pips is gained. Profit 52 pips.
Let us now look at the situation where the EUR/USD is above 1.38 and it does not matter if it is 1.3801 or 1.3900
The call option will be exercised at 1.38 and will be set off against the underlying at 1.38 resulting in zero.
The premium of 52 pips is earned. Profit 52 pips.
So in essence we have a situation where if the EUR/USD goes above 1.38, we gain 52 pips and if it goes below 1.38 we earned 52 pips.