Covid-19 and Your Portfolio

I am sure it affected everyone differently but I sure got caught in a bad way back around March 11 with some swings that nearly cost me a huge portion of my account. I hit that psychological line that terrorized me for a few short days until things started to return to where they were – somewhat. While I am not yet back to where I want to be, things seem to be going in the right direction.

It was a currency that I have not spent a great deal of time trading through the years that really hammered my account - GPB. I had some major trades that nearly pulverized me. It’s too bad because the past 6-8 weeks have a been a phenomenal opportunity to ride the waves - and there have been many. It has been a crazy few weeks…

Looking forward to your Covid-19 forex stories…

On the contrary, now is the best time for a trader - look at crude oil, stocks, especially large companies. Now there are really all chances to take a good profit.
The main thing is to remain attentive and not to take any reckless actions.

I think that this virus has shaken up the whole market and many of us have a little bit of a change in the plan of action due to this, and when corrected, you have to enter it very quickly, because the dynamics of the market is incredible…

Now everything has changed quite a lot, but speculation has also increased, because the market has become more difficult to control because of the large amount of news, honestly, I can not even remember when I saw something like that…

Oh, yes now all ambiguously so that we communicated with friends, and I learned that many now at all do not trade because the market is extremely out of the standard framework, and we almost all the time are forced to trade on the fundamental analysis, the technical analysis has fallen into the background.