CPI release - explain to me like I'm 5 why USD moved the way it did

So the CPI release came out and we’re seeing big moves down on USD.

Can you explain to me why the release made USD react the way it did. News release states:

  • Oct monthly inflation up slightly 0.4%
  • yearly down to 7.7% from 8.2%
  • core yearly down to 6.3% from 6.6%

Isn’t it good that inflation is down? Or was that expected but it didn’t move the right amount?

Or is it more about interest rates and now that inflation seems to be coming down (right?), interest rates won’t go up (?), and… that’s bad for the US economy?

Help me out here!

Right now, nothing matters but when they will stop raising interest rates. Any sign that inflation is subsiding will be overindulged by the markets…like a 5 year old left alone with an open cookie jar.

Carry trade 101 is the higher interest rate wins.

Dollar is safe haven as well so any risk on is dollar off…right now.

Everything should be attached to…right now.

So interest rates potentially not going up as high as they thought or stopping all together means USD does what?

USD goes up and USD denominated pairs down?