Create wealth with my GBP/USD & EUR/USD signals! No losses. FREE for now

Just for the record:

I believe GBP/USD had longs yesterday at the following price levels:

1st long = 1.6168
2nd long = 1.6165 and
3rd long = 1.6164

I believe the EUR/USD has had longs at the following price levels:

1st long = 1.3128
2nd long* = 1.3125 and
3rd long* = 1.3124

  • These trades I am not 100% certain of. Price action will tell whether or not they will be replace by new longs or not.

My money is on price pushing higher this afternoon. Of course, I could be wrong - in which case I will place the blame on NFP :wink: lol

Have a great trading day, be careful, and enjoy a super weekend!



I forgot to mention. If I am right then the TP’s we shall be expecting are 1.6291 for the GBP/USD (+/- 126 pips from entry) and 1.3484 for the EUR/USD (+/- 350 pips from entry).

We have a new TP for GBP/USD of 1.6342 :20:


  1. LONG 1.6125 SL 1.6109
  2. LONG 1.6127 SL 1.6109
  3. PENDING ORDER LONG AT 1.6125 SL 1.6109

I will release the TAKE PROFIT once I know myself .

Happy trading.


The TAKE PROFIT is now 1.6193

Trades in progress

I opening longs on EUR/USD at 1.2921 and 1.2913 with SL 1.2904

I just opened longs on GBP/USD at 1.6095 with SL at 1.6075.

The TP on this gem is 1.6207.

The EUR/USD longs from yesterday that started at 1.2924 have their TP set at 1.3076

We have had another reentry long at the original buy price of 1.2925 remember SL 1.2904 if you decide to enter. Now that both pairs are firmly locked into a trend we should expect to catch some pips!

Currently running


People just take a look at the history. Who cares what you have open now, it’s all about what percentage you end up with at the end of the day. You had, what like 30-40, consecutive losing trades.

You have committed the first cardinal rule of investing. Your ego is letting you get the better of you, and you’re bringing people down with you.

Edit: I had to zoom out in my browser just to get all of these

I can’t really call you a “fraud” or a “scam” because you’re not really directly taking people’s money and putting it in your pocket. Maybe a joke? Hopefully a moderator can come in and just delete this post or lock it.

Although I have not been monitoring the markets all day today, I witnessed 2 long entries on the eur/usd at .2788 & .2781 with Stop loss at .2767

I will display TP soon :slight_smile:

Take care guys - remember I go on holiday for 10 days starting tomorrow - back on the 26th May. So business as usual from Monday 28th May :smiley:

Have a good time Chris.

this no losses thread should became no winning thread. I don’t think that anyone has any rigth to confuse traders especially the new traders by putting nice headlines and showing winning trades (that most often becomes losing trades). 5 months of history can be used as a good indication for future in my opinion. My opinion for this thread is watch out, especially new traders.

There was a long on eur/usd at 1.26813 with SL 1.2667 and target 1.2853

Im long on GBP/USD - but the GBP is taking some time to perk up…

Finally it looks like the GBP/USD long will pay off… these past 2 days have seen the GBP/USD go short and lose a lot of ground, which has caught a lot of traders out… this am both the AUD and NZD long USD have made profits so I am now hoping that today will see GBP/USD long gain ground - go long with GBP/USD this morning guys and girls :slight_smile:

Hi everyone :slight_smile:

I am back from vacation and have been analysing the GBP/USD and EUR/USD over this time.

There have been a few beautiful trends, especially on the Euro - which I will do my best to publish towards the end of the week once I have tied up a few loose ends.

In the meantime, those following on skype and twitter will know that we have been in a bearish trend on euro since 23rd of may and since 22nd May on the pound. The most recent reentries short on eu were 1.2616 yesterday and on gu 1.5707 yesterday and today at 1.5707 and 1.5716. Current end of trend for eu will be 1.1.2457 and gu potentially 1.5313 (to be confirmed).

Best wishes to all you traders,


Tell me please what is your Skype name or group so i can also join it. Thank You

Hi Lovac,

It would be great to have you on board.

However, I am not able to advertise my skype group or twitter group here - babypips moderators do not like it and I wish not to tread on anyone’s toes. Perhaps you could ask another member on this thread or google my username? Let me know if you have any luck.

Best wishes,