Crude oil are the bulls losing steam or just resting before a charge

I dunno. You tell us. You’re the one with the fancy indicator not??? LOL!!!

You gonna be shorting now and adding on the way up or what??? LOL!!! See in you January then.

they will probably
reach the red area before charging

Who is “they”??? Was talking about YOU!!! LOL!!!

i already made money when bears (red area) gave up

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I’m sure there’s going to be at least ten analyses of that trade of yours coming today!!! LOL!!!

Actually the thread was opened with a question not an analyses
from what i know south African understand english very well
maybe not all of them
but my analyses i get it from the chart

Well. That’s true. Takes me a while in the morning to drag my knuckles across the floor to get to the kettle.

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You sure about that statement???