Crypto simulators?

Hey guys,

I am trying to understand a little better the wonderful world of cryptocurrencies besides BTCUSD, but it has been hard. Recently, I came across a simulator that allows you to trade similar to a demo account on a broker, but only in cryptos.

Has anyone used such a platform? Does it really help learning how cryptos interact with each other?

Wassup Jane!

Cryptos can be tricky for sure - there are a couple of simulators that can definitely help. The only one I know for certain is Niffler

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Hi Mayday Jane,

I think it helps enormously to start with a demo account, at least if you’re a beginner then it’s mandatory. I don’t like to throw away my money, so before I go live with a new strategy, I always test it first on a demo account.

If it helps, I use a trading simulator called It is possible to trade several cryptos: Bitcoin, Ethereum, EOS, Monero, Ripple, Litecoin, NEO, DASH etc and other asset classes like stocks, forex currencies, commodities, indices etc.

I use this trading simulator because it’s an App, so I can trade directly from my iPhone. The App also includes several other features like trading guides, quizzes, strategies etc.

I hope it helps.

Crypto traders is also called a cryptocurrency traders simulators, which allow to risk free investing.