Crypto Trading especially BTCUSD

Where is Crypto especially BTCUSD in your trading schedule?

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In my first three priorities.

People suggest that trading is not gambling but for the life of me I cannot see through that logic. Now having said that why on earth would I even look at an instrument the price of which can leap or plummet depending on if one individual makes a tweet or changes the logo? How can investing in crypto be anything but gambling? I wouldnt even glance at anything crypto even if you paid me.

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lol - i had been planning to offer a post here, but i don’t need to write a proper one now, because @THE_GOATE has just said what i wanted to say, and in about the same words, too :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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at the moment the BTC price $30, 778 , i hope market Bull season already started . hope it will continue .

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Nah, man. I’m not really into that crypto stuff. It’s too risky, you know? One tweet can totally mess up the market, and I don’t want to lose my money like that. Plus, when you compare it to other markets, it’s just too volatile. It’s crazy how the smallest things can have a big impact on it. And don’t even get me started on the environmental issues with mining and all that. I’m just gonna stick with something more solid and reliable.


So no difference forex and Cryptos all are gambling with different levels.