Crypto Trading vs Forex Order Fees

Hi everyone,

Does anyone know if Forex platforms (for example, trading currencies) charge lower fees for placing an order compared to Crypto trading (platforms)?


They are all different but from experience the crypto fees are much higher than forex trades, plus it depends how you are trading, spot, futures, cfds but try this one via brokers, I prefer arbitrage in crypto as it’s automated, the crypto markets are 24x7 so easy to miss that one good trade.

@alistera Thanks for your reply! How profitable can eb “crypto arbitrage” % percentaga wise? Investment needed to get started making profits?

Smells like a scammer here?


Do you mean scammerS?

Factually incorrect, they don’t like direct links on public forums, if you would like more information feel free to ask :grinning:

Who are “they”, and this is a public forum on which I see nobody objecting (yet)

Sure it is.

You’ll simply need to confirm yourself.

I believe Coinbase, for example, charges 0.05% up to 0.60% taker trading fees, and less, 0.0% - 0.40% for maker fees. Plus the spread.

Having just looked at Oanda crypto trading fees, looks like those are capped at 0.25%, with spreads ranging from $0.50 to $40 depending on what your buying/selling.

Go where the liquidity is. That makes the most sense to me.