Cryptocurrency trading

Hi all. My name is Toby. I have not been on this forum for a long time, and I am glad that I found a community that unites us. I am a self-taught trader myself. I have been trading for 7 years. And I can safely say that I have very good tools and trading analyzes developed by me personally over the years. Now that I can make money on it myself, I am ready to share my knowledge and analyzes with other participants for free.
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Welcoooome! :blush: I think creating a journal on your crypto trading strategy could really help others know more about it too! :blush:

Welcome Toby! I’m sure a lot of members here will appreciate your contributions. Looking forward to learning from you.

Welcome to the community, Toby. Hope to hear more from you in the future.

Welcome Toby! It’s great to have you here, especially with your impressive achievement of 7 years of trading experience as a self-taught trader. We’re excited to learn from you and hope you’ll be an active member of this community!