Cryptooooooooo Trading

Is trading crypto profitable now? I don’t think so.
What factors do you consider most important when choosing which cryptocurrencies to trade or invest in?

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It’s possible that there are scalpers who get to earn some money from crypto trading, but I also don’t think it’s very profitable at the moment. :open_mouth: For cryptos, I would always suggest sticking to the established ones like BTC and ETH. :thinking:

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2022 was an ideal year for crypto trading but I don’t think trading crypto now will be a wise decision.

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I had my experience trading crypto and being honest, not worth it for the long term. You can make some money, scalping (mainly and only trading BTC, imo). When you understand that BTC has such a big impact in all the other alt coins (it’s normal tho) and your predictions can fail so easily, compared to other markets (mainly because of the huge volatility and uncertainty of the crypto market).

But of course, it depends on what is your goal when trading. High profit in a faster way with higher risk? Maybe crypto. More stability and “easier” market behaviour to deal with? Maybe other type of markets like FX.

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I don’t think in 2023 crypto will be a good investment but eve then if you want to trade, you can trade with a long-term vision.

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Are you up overall in terms of your crypto trades?

I’m even not sure how stable BTC and ETH are in the constantly changing world of cryptocurrencies."

You are right.

You can add crypto to your portfolio but I don’t think trading crypto now will be profitable for you.

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Why do you think so?

For discretionary trading not really, I use cross exchange arbitrage on CEX and Coinswap, the order signals are perfect, the key is how you layer exchange connectors for order execution over the signals, I’m using C# but it’s complex to maintain.