Currency conversion rule?


  1. Initial date:

    At this lesson, we have this information:

For instance, Apple must first exchange its U.S. dollars for the Japanese yen when purchasing electronic parts from Japan for its products.”.

  1. Questions:

    2.1 Is it a rule that the buyer (the American company like Apple) has to convert American dollars into Japanese yen in order to be able to buy electronic parts from a seller (the Japanese electronic parts company) ?

      What about advantages and disadvantages for American and Japanese company ?

    2.2 Is there also the possibility that the buyer (the American company like Apple) buys electronic parts directly with American dollars from a seller (the Japanese electronic parts company), and then the Japanese company converts the received American dollars into Japanese yen?

       What about advantages and disadvantages for American and Japanese company ?

    2.3 After all, there is a rule in which currency you pay and who does the currency conversion?

Thanks for your time !

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