Currency Strength & Weakness without Indicators!

Never mind the newbies, it’ll be a game changer for most of the established/experienced members. We still can’t believe, that in such an opportunistic marketplace such as this, there are still experienced members advising newbies to specialise.

We’ve linked to finviz several times over the years extoling the virtues of that site & 2 guys who posted regularly on Tess’s thread, (not to mention one or two of the current crop) who have since gone onto bigger & better things, constructed their first successful game plays based around the stuff that guy has presented.

It’s a mightily under-rated & overlooked exercise.

Interesting that he had the prior day high/low plotted on his graphs……forget the rest of the junk on those charts, but those 2 along with the weekly & business quarterly levels will keep you on the correct side of the flows too when betting on trending cycles, especially when you’re using strength/weakness tools.

Good spot my man.
Keep trumpeting that tune!


@Trendswithbenefits, great site thanks for the post.

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Cheers buddy. I’ll add that to my price action analysis and see if it assists. :smile:

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Top trade as of London Open Monday 26th NZDJPY for a BUY, has been strengthening throughout the Asian. For the Short term traders (~8H) the trend has been good for 70+ pips…and still going strong.

When you have 2 currencies at each end of the spectrum it pays to be very cautious opening a position, as sharp reversals can happen at any time…

A secondary opportunity is the AUDJPY which is very nearly as strong a move…


Can you customise the pairs? Or do you need to pay for it?

No, I looked into this myself, even with Elite Membership (Paid) they have chosen a select set of pairs…Which are a pretty good cross section of the market…

Note: I don’t want to detract from @Dennis3450 excellent thread on Trading the Trend with Strong & Weak Analysis which has been running for quite a while and is where traders that find short term SW Strategies successful should be aspiring to move to.

Dennis’s system uses the JPY as the constant, whereas Finviz use the USD…

I will put up the Top Trade (with image) at the end of the US Session /start of the Asian Session (9.30am GMT +11) for the next 7 trading days or so… to give the handful following an indication of just how powerful Currency Strength Analysis is alongside even short term plays…


Damn. Yeah it’s pretty good, but being able to customise would hold much better. I’ll be on the scout for an improvement. Will let ya’ll know if I find one

@Trendswithbenefits, I would give you the sirea I use but it has a minor cost, they do have an intro offer, but its still a very moderately paid for service with no commitment or contract. But I got spanked once today already… so I don’t want any advertising complaint. It you search on the handle rookie007 some of my posts which are many may come up. If not have you seen new “trader on the street” channel. the guy is one of the words best.

One of the other ways of using a tool like this is to overlay it with directional momentum plays via pullback/continuation bets such as those recommended on our thread.

Euro, Kiwi & Sterling have been stable gainers since the open in NZ with Canadian & Aussie $ the laggards. So matching Euro & Sterling up with the laggards has been a fruitful play today for session speculators as well as pullback/continuation punters.

Using the strong/weak relationship to firm up & zone in on strong directional plays would have you dialling into gbpcad, gbpaud and/or euraud.

Reason for filtering those candidates is because all 3 are at the top end of their respective momentum ladders bouncing round numbers/figures in continuation trend mode with plentiful average daily range supply into the european business session – all key trigger components.

A solid (independent) strength meter will have indicated high water marks right through the timeframe ladders on Euro & Sterling & low water marks on Canadian & Australian Dollars right out of the traps in Aukland this morning & through the rolling sessions into Frankfurt, London & New York.

Increasing odds & minimising risk is the name of the game when lining up your skittles, which is where a reliable & solid strength indicator can earn it’s corn.

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Another tutorial on how to trade the data from the Finviz Forex page, Salut to Xtreme Trader

This video has a little more content on how to profit from this invaluable FREE resource.


Ok, still a perfect example of when NOT to open a position… 3 hours into the Asian Session the market remains flat with no real direction (SW) showing… unless you want to risk opening a new EUR or GBP Buy against the JPY…

Anyone still with yesterday’s TOP Trade positions still open from yesterday the ride continues albeit slowly today…

Time stamp showing on the Finviz site is NY so will have another look at 3.00am Finviz time…

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Also refresh the page to make sure it’s up to date. I dunno how often it updates but I looked this morning and gbp/jpy looked great and then placed a trade and noticed it updated to what you see there. Flat market.

While it isn’t anything groundbreaking, the simplicity of the colour representation can help newbies associate better with the market movements. Sometimes it only takes one thing to trigger the rest to fall in place.

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Is anybody know why Gap is happening now in EURUSD?

Exactly… off Chart simplicity…the whole ethos behind off chart trading is so newbies and experienced traders alike do not get befuddled by the price action…no candles, no whipsaws, no fakeouts… just raw strength and weakness data…

The GBP is strong the USD is weak it’s a BUY…simple, The EUR is weak the JPY is strong its a SELL…easy… NO CHARTS…


Prior to the US Open the GBP has been in free fall for a number of hours now…And the USD has hit the front…

The TOP trade over the last few hours has been the GBPUSD (150+ pips) which was shown clearly by the Finviz display just after the UK Open…

Note: When you have 2 currencies at each end of the spectrum it pays to be very cautious opening a position, as sharp reversals can happen at any time…

Top trade as of pre London Open Wednesday 28th GBPJPY for a BUY, has been strengthening throughout the Asian. For the Short term traders (~8H) the trend has been good for a solid 90+ pips…and still going strong.

The Finviz Tool has given over 150 pips of profit (no matter what size position) in the last 3 days alone…

Most of you will be able to see from the few posts that the FinViz Forex site has a seriously powerful ability to help with your trading by putting a pairs momentum behind your own strategies…

If you want to explore a larger range of FX techniques or strategies, I suggest taking a look at Forex Factory or even Forex Strategies sites…

Good Luck.

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We have 51 views on the original YouTube Video…So I will continue to add content with various strategies to make profit out of the FinViz Forex Tool…

Another demonstration on how to trade the data from the Finviz Forex page, Salut to Xed Trading

The video has a more content on how to profit from this invaluable FREE resource.


Another Site that provides a number of very powerful tools for Off Chart (screening) of the Forex Market is Tradingview.

Tradingview contains a completely FREE and customisable signal screening tool for ALL Forex pairs. You can preset alerts to suit your personal criteria using just about every Indicator and strategy available…from Aroon to the Ultimate Oscillator and dozens in between…

The demonstration shown below is with Cryptocurrencies, but the tools, alerts, customisable signal settings and all the other amazing features are exactly the same on the Forex Signal page…Something to fill in some downtime for those of us lucky enough to be having an extended holiday over the Easter Break.

Watch the tutorial below on how to unlock the power of the Forex Signal Finder…

I suggest you take a look at the link and spend some time sifting through the array of useful features that can be a definite help to your trading…

The TOP trade during the Asian session which continued into the European session… the NZD & AUD against a volatile JPY, with both pairs good for a BUY …and with a reversal (Sell) now iminent…

The AUDJPY and the NZDJPY should consolidate then continue the trend south for the next few hours to hopefully realise some profit…

Note: When you have 2 currencies at each end of the spectrum it pays to be very cautious opening a position, as sharp reversals can happen at any time…