I just need a simple MACD Cross Alert from Mobile MT4 on a mobile device like a PocketPC.
Is this impossible?
I just need a simple MACD Cross Alert from Mobile MT4 on a mobile device like a PocketPC.
Is this impossible?
No. It’s not.
Thanks mastergunner99.
Will you let me know how can I get this alert? I thought there is no custom indicator on Mobile Metatrader?
How about a sound / visual alert on the pc itself, once the MACD crosess?
I think he’s looking for something for mobile though not a pc. Unless you use the email function in MT4 you can set a price level or alert where when triggered, can email you which you may be able to pick up on your mobile phone?
I use the email alert method I jsut mentioned when I need to know what’s going on.
As far as I know there is no way to add custom indicators to mobile Mt4
Sorry, i was reading thru related / similar topics, and tapped other ppl’s thread, to ask my question. So, is there anyway i can create alert for my pc?
Anyway, since you mentioned, how do I set the email function? Do i have to notify the broker?
Would appreciate if you can help.
Thanks in advance.
Tools --> Options
Click the email tab
Add in information. I had troubles getting it to work first, had to call my ISP (internet service provider) and they guided me in setting up the correct smtp servers and correct email address they needed me to use.
Couldn’t use gmail or any of those because my ISP only allows smtp mail from their own email addresses, in my case Rogers being my provider I had to set up an email with the @rogers.com domain.
Hope that helps.
In addition to having your email preferences set up, you must have an EA running on the currency pair / timeframe you want to monitor with the following code:
int start()
int counted_bars=IndicatorCounted();
if (iMACD(NULL,0,12,26,0,PRICE_CLOSE,MODE_MAIN,0) == 0)
Alert("MACD Crossing Zero on “, Symbol(),” at “, Close[0],” - ", TimeToStr(CurTime(),TIME_SECONDS));
SendMail(“from your expert”, "MACD Crossing Zero at "+DoubleToStr(Close[0],Digits));
This will give a visual alert, audible alert, and tell MT4 to send an email. You will also need some sort of flipflop so it only sends you one email or it will alarm and send an email everytime the tick is at the zero cross. Also change the 12 and 26 to the FAST and SLOW EMA you want to monitor.