Cyclopip: The Green Guy Behind the Currency Cross-Eyed Blog

Cyclopip is probably one of my favourite FX-Men members. No, it’s not because I’m fascinated that he just has one eye. It’s because we all know that there is more to that big and green FX-Man. Underneath all that thick (and leathery) skin is a funny, smart, and sweet fella. So don’t get intimidated by his looks!

Aside from being a hard core NBA fan, Cyclopip also writes for the Currency Cross-Eyed blog. He recently decided to follow Pipcrawler’s lead and started doing price action reviews.

I won’t keep you waiting. Here’s my interview with him!

1. How did you come up with the name Cyclopip?

The FX-Men bestowed the name on me when I first met them. I believe it was Feras who gave me the name. He said that I reminded him of a mythological creature from ancient Greece. To be honest, I don’t see the resemblance…

2. What’s your favourite part about being with the FX-Men?

I love that I get to hang out with the coolest cats in the forex scene. I learn so much from being around the FX-Men since we’ve got experts in different fields. But of course, the biggest perk of all is being able to help newbie traders as they explore the wonderful world of forex!

3. Who were you before CycloPip the blogger-trader for Currency Cross-Eyed?

I was just a young monster in search of his place in the world. People were scared of me, thinking that I was just some big, dumb, scary, ugly ogre (sounds familiar?). Luckily for me, I stumbled upon a magical thing called forex trading and from then on, I knew I was meant to be a forex trader!

4. Who is your forex trading hero? (Or anybody you look up to when it comes to trading)

I look up to Big Pippin… when it comes to the ladies! But as for forex, Bruce Kovner is my hero, not just because of his ridonculous track record, but because of how he conducts himself. He’s one of the biggest, meanest forex traders out there, but he likes to live a low-key, private life. It’s also from him that I learned that you have to be willing to make mistakes to become a successful trader.

5. If you can only read one book on forex trading, what would it be and why?

It would definitely be Market Wizards. The book is a compilation of Jack Schwager’s interviews with some of the best traders of all-time. Not all of them are forex traders, but each interview provides a lot of insight as to how each trader was able to attain success.

6. What trading tools would you recommend to newbie traders? Why?

Every trader needs a good economic calendar. Without one, you’re likely to get blindsided by economic data. But I think the tool every trader should have in his/her toolbox is a trading plan. You don’t go to war without a battle plan, and you don’t trade without a trading plan. Even before you enter a trade, you have to detail what you’re going to do under different scenarios so that when the going gets tough, you can make decisions quickly and objectively.

7. What is your most memorable trading experience? What have you learned from it?

I’ll never forget the moment when I went crazy, bet the farm on one trade, and in the process, blew up my account. Now, my account wasn’t large by any means, but money is hard to come by, especially if you’re a one-eyed monster with 8 fingers total! Anyway, I traded the NFP report and put wayyyyyy too many units on. Needless to say, I got whipsawed in a second and saw the deadly triple zero (0.00) balance in my account.

8. What do you usually do when you lose a trade? How about when you win?

After a loss, I try to calm myself by indulging in my favorite comfort food– fried bunny ears! Of course, I also make it a point to review the losing trade. I ask myself questions like “What can I learn from this?” and “How could I have done better?” so that I can make better decisions in the future. When I win, I do the same thing, though I usually also celebrate by goin’ out for drinks with Big Pippin.

9. We’ve noticed you’re on Twitter now. Who are in your top 5 must-follow list (outside of the FX-Men)?

Steve Nash (@the_real_nash) – He’s gotta be the coolest NBA player ever.
Taylor Swift (@taylorswift13) – I’m secretly her biggest fan.
Charlie Sheen (@charliesheen)– I’m bi-winning too.
Schwarzenegger (@Schwarzenegger) – Who doesn’t love the Governator?
Ashraf Laidi (@alaidi) – What can I say, the man’s got good analysis. Not to mention, a weird but funny sense of humor.

10. If you entered a room and a theme song played, what would your song be and why?

Oh this is an easy one… “I’m Too Sexy” by Right Said Fred! Do I really need to explain? I mean, c’mon, take a look at my beautiful green body! ‘Nuff said yo!

Now who would’ve thought he liked Taylor Swift? If that isn’t enough proof that he’s a softie despite that toughie façade, I don’t know what is! If anything, this will just make all the ladies go ‘awww’ and say Cylopip is adorable! If you’re interested, I’d be more than willing to give you more details on just how adorable he is! (I skipped that for the sake of our male readers.)

If you have any questions I’ve missed to ask (e.g. does he have a Fiona in his life?), Cyclopip is all about social networks now so just visit him on Facebook or Twitter! I know he’ll definitely respond back. He’s on those things almost 24/7!

This post can also be found on the pips á la carte blog here: Cyclopip: The Green Guy Behind the Currency Cross-Eyed Blog � Pips a la Carte | News, talk, opinions, tips and tricks about our entire product line. All in one place.