Daily And Weekly Forecasts: EUR/USD, Crude oil, ES, Dax, Gas

Any comments are wellcome!


EUR/USD runs from 1:50 to 4:30. Took a minute to find it. I trade the dollar, which you mention, and the EUR/USD (and gold). The levels you mark look reasonable, but it looks like an up-tick in volatility is due. Meaning that triangle will, in that case, break soon. Thanks for the chance to see what you see.

triangle can be broken as on Thursday - Friday, on this week, as on next, but not earlier

Monday forecast and trade ideas

Tuesday forecast and trade ideas

Wednesday forecast

Thursday forecast and trade ideas

Friday forecast and trade ideas

Weekly forecast

Tuesday forecast and trade ideas

Wednesday forecast and trade ideas

Thursday forecast and trade ideas

Friday forecast and trade ideas

Weekly forecast and trade ideas

Tuesday forecast and trade ideas

Tuesday forecast and trade ideas

Monday forecast and trade ideas

Tuesday forecast and trade ideas

Wednesday forecast and trade ideas