Daily Candle Closing

Hi Jason,

I’m looking for a broker that closes/opens its candles at the close of the New York session (17:00 EST). Does FXCM Trading Station II do this? Also, is there a way to configure the Pivot Points indicator of the trading station such that I can see the pivot points on a day-to-day basis. By default, it shifts as the days go by.

I’m actually more familiar with using the MT4 platform. Does FXCM’s MT4 platform also close its daily candles this way?

Thanks for the time!


Hi Von,

Thanks for the post and happy to help with the questions.

Yes, FXCM’s Trading Station II does what you are looking for. The open/close of daily candles on the Trading Station II occur at the end of the NY trading session (17:00 EST).

The MT4 platform starts the daily candlestick at midnight (00:00) according to the server time, and the server is setup to GMT. Therefore, better to go with the FX Trading Station II platform if you need the daily candles to open/close at 17:00 EST.

It’s possible to view the current days pivots along with previous days historical pivots. When you goto add the pivot indicator, a Pivot Properties window will appear. There are two options you can choose from: Today and Historical. Choosing Today will only display today’s pivot levels. Historical will display today’s pivot levels plus previous day’s historical levels. See the screenshot below of the properties window:

And below is an example of Historical pivots (on the left) and Today pivots (on the right).

I’m not sure if that exactly answers your question about pivots. Let me know if anything is unclear, or if I understood the question completely wrong :slight_smile:


FXDD does also and they are mt4.

Thank you Jason. You answered my question exactly :slight_smile:

Thank you as well dobro. I’ll keep that in mind.

Good to hear and all the best with your trading,
