Daily Hi Lo

my order went off around 4am est

OK, my Short triggered at 3:01 am just as price barely touched that level (133.911) then promptly went north.

It’s weird, though, because - by my charts - price still hasn’t gone above the previous day’s high for that pair, which for me is 136.081. Now I’m puzzled (yeah, I know, it doesn’t take much! :D).

ya i try to keep a buffer, so my GJ trades are 3 pips above/below the highs and lows, EU are 2 pips

But, Scoob, I’m still confused as to how you got a GJ [B]Long[/B] triggered just an hour later…? I still have yesterday’s GJ candle High at 136.08 and price hasn’t yet reached that point in today’s action.

we were trading different breakouts probably :stuck_out_tongue:

You’re trading breakouts from sessions rather than the previous day candle ?

Correct :wink:
You can easily find 3 good time periods that will consistently give +20, so why only trade the daily? Well you can combine sessions + daily, make even more. I posted a few good time periods a few posts back.

One thing that I’ve noticed is that you should use the 1h or 15m and put recent sup/res levels, this makes TP areas easier to spot, also provides you with an additional possible breakout.

I believe these were the breakouts you mentioned, but I don’t use MT4 myself so didn’t grab the indi. So these are the periods in question to measure for breakouts:

[li]NY session (8 am to 5 pm EST)[/li][li]“1! candle” Looks like a typo; I’m guessing this an hourly candle, the 13:00 GMT (8 pm EST) one?[/li][li]Asian session (9 pm EST to 11 pm EST)[/li][/ol]
And this is all for the EUR/USD pair so far?

John (Merchantprince)

[I]“Nobody can be exactly like me. Even I have trouble doing it.”[/I]

hi guys. first post in here.

i´m posting from school so… very fast.

most of the fake mmtt signals turn out to be a great previous day high/low breack out.

and we can use the bottom of that fake signal as a SL.

any opinions?

Rui that is true but the trick would be knowing what kind of trade its going be.

Here are my trades from last night about + 110 pips that worked good last night.
I am loading up another round for tonight.

Ya, mainly eur/usd but other pairs work as well

Very good lol, how many pairs did u trade? I got my +40, cudve been +200 lol but its okay


Just want to clarify what the period seperator shows on MT4? what periods does it show?



Sean have you worked out any particular ratios based on the average range of the pairs? Are there any pairs you’ve chosen to avoid?

I tried multiple pairs last night. got the usual win on G/U but a loss on NZD/USD, That would have been a win if I had been using 17:00 EST cut off for the day. Other pairs didn’t get triggered so I canceled them.

It is 7 am now and I too had another +20 win in GU but my other entry orders have yet to trigger. I’m wondering if I should keep them open as some are close to triggering. So far I have EU, EG and EJ not triggered either direction. I also have Long triggers only in AU and NU, as the current candles had already broken the previous candle’s low at the time I placed my breakout entries last night.

I thought about keeping my untriggered orders open but seems like most big moves have already happened by the time I get up so I closed them. Still havn’t changed my schedule. But I don’t know whether it’s best to keep them open or not. I’ve never paid much attention to the Asian pairs so not sure what their typical behavior is like. GU I’m most familiar with and I figure if the order on that pair hasn’t happened by the time I get up, most of the time it’s not going to.

Yeah, I closed the opposite GU trigger and the NU, as it had already moved farther south. I’m just not sure at what point we say the period of breakouts has passed; do we want to close everything before US open or if there is news like today at 8:30 is it wise to keep the triggers open in the event of another big move?

woke up to +40 again, but missed out on alot of pips, again. 2 longs on E/U and G/J triggered both closed at +20

I decided after some thought to close my other un-triggered entries. It is nice to wake up to the pips, in my case the +20 in GU (which is starting to seem scary-reliable!).

Has everyone settled on what they like for both stops and TPs?