Daily/ Intraday Outlook on AUD/USD and USD/CAD and NZD/USD : January 31, 2013

31 Jan 2013 06:05GMT…

Despite aud’s intra-day selloff below y’day’s low at 1.0402 to 1.0380, present rebound suggests consolidation with mild upside bias is seen n a retrace. of fall fm Jan’s 4-1/2 mth high at 1.0599 to 1.0432 can’t be ruled out but 1.0456 wud hold.

Wud be prudent to exit long as only below said sup extends weakness to 1.0340/45 b4 recovery.

[B]STRATEGY[/B] : Exit short
[B]POSITION[/B] : Short at 1.0400
[B]FORECAST[/B] : 1.0395 / 1.0420
[B]RES[/B] : 1.0432/1.0456/1.0477
[B]SUP[/B] : 1.0380/1.0345/1.0321

31 Jan 2013 04:19GMT…

Present retreat in commodity ccys suggest consolidation with upside bias remains n abv 1.0067 wud yield re-test of 1.0101 (Mon n last Fri high).

Buy at market with stop as indicated, below wud signal a temp. top is made earlier, 0.9977.

[B]STRATEGY[/B] : Buy at market
[B]OBJECTIVE[/B] : 1.0085
[B]STOP-LOSS[/B]: 1.0005
RES : 1.0067/1.0101/1.0145
SUP : 1.0008/0.9977/0.9948

31 Jan 2013 05:14GMT…

Nzd’s current aussie led retreat fm 0.8367 suggests recovery fm y’day’s low at 0.8295 has ended there, below said sup wud re-test Mon’s 0.8281 low.

Venture selling at market for this move with stop as indicated n only abv 0.8398 risks 0.8424.

[B]STRATEGY[/B] : Sell at market
[B]OBJECTIVE[/B] : 0.829
[B]STOP-LOSS[/B]: 0.838
[B]RES[/B] : 0.8398/0.8424/0.8467
[B]SUP[/B] : 0.8281/0.8244/0.8214