Daily Outlook on AUD/USD and USD/CAD and NZD/USD : February 1, 2013

1 Feb 2013 [B] 02:08GMT [/B]…

As A$'s has retreated again after meeting renewed selling interest at 1.0446 n intra-day downside bias remains to re-test y’day’s 1.0380 low, break wud extend weakness marginally but sup 1.0345 wud hold n yield rebound due to loss of momentum.

In view of present downside risk, exit long as only abv 1.0446/52 brings further gain to 1.0477.

[B]STRATEGY[/B] : Exit long
[B]POSITION[/B] : Long at 1.0405
[B]RES[/B] : 1.0452/1.0477/1.0527
[B]SUP[/B] : 1.0380/1.0345/1.0287

01 Feb 2013 [B]00:43GMT[/B]…

Kiwi’s present rally abv y’day’s high at 0.8424 signals nr term rise fm Mon’s low at 0.8281 has resumed n further gain to 0.8462 is envisaged.

Wud be prudent to exit short as only below 0.8387 indicates said recovery is over, 0.8344.

[B]STRATEGY[/B] : Exit short
[B]POSITION[/B] : Short at 0.8430
[B]RES[/B] : 0.8462/0.8477/0.8500
[B]SUP[/B] : 0.8387/0.8344/0.8281

31 Jan 2013 [B]23:19GMT[/B]…

Y’day’s selloff below sup 1.0008 suggests corrective fall fm last Fri’s high at 1.0101 wud extend twd 0.9948 but 0.9905 sup wud hold n yield rebound.

Sell on recovery for 0.9950 n only abv 1.0067 res aborts n may risk re-test of said 1.0101.

[B]STRATEGY[/B] : Sell at 1.0005
[B]OBJECTIVE[/B] : 0.9945
[B]STOP-LOSS[/B]: 1.0035
[B]RES[/B] : 1.0034/1.0067/1.0101
[B]SUP[/B] : 0.9948/0.9905/0.9874